How many of you actually have to turn the friggen thing off.Just bought brand one new hoping it would be quieter....wrong.Oh well just curious what others experiences are.
My refrigerator is pretty noisy too. If it bugs me too much I just unplug it. It seems even louder during the summer months when the room temperature is a bit higher.
What is the deal with unplugging fridges and flipping breakers? The only two fridges I have had in the last couple of decades both had an on/off switch built into the temperature control.
For those who forget to turn the fridge back on maybe some kind of code using a fridge magnet could be used. Put it right next to or under the handle when the fridge is off then move it when the fridge is on.
Just easier for me to flip the breaker. Also, Jbello, be careful with the carpet or felt idea...if placed too close to the cooling coils, your electricity bill or even your refrigerator could suffer!
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