Are the online zines killing print mags in audio?

There seem to be more and more onliners and the printers are down to what, two? Stereophile and the Absolute Sound. (Not counting Bound for Sound which you can't get on the newstands). On line ('Gon) certainly killed classified ads in the print mags. I wonder if the mags themselves are doomed. What do you think?
the zines go as the hobbies this case, they get smaller.....on lines are started by geeks who just want to play with stuff, with no cost.
I trust geeks far more then reviewers wich have their own best interest at heart.
True geeks I too would trust. The guys running the web zines...are not geeks, in my opinion, they are looking out after their own best interests just as much as any hard copy reviewer. They need equipment to review. They can't afford to buy it. They rely on manufacturers to supply it. In return...same old same old. The true geeks reside on, for example, the AA DIY/Tweaks forum.