Dust...It's Killing Me

Okay guys, I need a solution to keep my components dust free. I've tried lots of audio racks, but most emphasize performance , and I understand that. My wife, does not. I need something that will keep my rack or components clean...anyone have any ideas?

something like this will help if your room isn't too large. Good luck,
I'm all ears because I have the same problem. I am not interested in any filtration devices that have a noisy motor. I do have a Sharper Image Quadra, Ionic Breeze. It does help, but not enough.
Dust is ugly, but with the exception of vinyl playback equipment and, to a lesser extent, the high voltage power supply of a tube amp, it won't affect audio equipment. Dust is the main reason that I rarely use my LPs.

There are machines which clean air, but unless the room is sealed up tight they won't be effective. And they are noisy. Your best bet is an old-fashoned feather duster.