Dust...It's Killing Me

Okay guys, I need a solution to keep my components dust free. I've tried lots of audio racks, but most emphasize performance , and I understand that. My wife, does not. I need something that will keep my rack or components clean...anyone have any ideas?
I'm guessing that the dust is accumulating in the 22hrs a day you don't have your system on. I've had my dear mother sew me covers made of thick, high quality and breathable cotton in a color that matches the rack.

Obviously the drawback is that you need to wait for the gear to cool down before placing it on. Just a thought - and it's cheap.
I throw a couple of those cool looking UAL dark blue lap blankets over my rack and TT at night or when not in use. I still leave all SS stuff turned on -- just keep the back of the rack open toward the wall. That's the simple solution (along w/ an occasional light dusting with a feather duster or a Billy Bags black lamb's wool AudioDuster ;--)

Sbanks idea is good but replacement HEPA filters are very expensive and the device is only effective if you keep the room well sealed -- so getting dust-free ventilation is a problem.

One good solution (actually two) for your whole house if you have forced air heating/cooling is electostatic filters. There are powered ones, permanently installed in the main supply duct which you wipe off occasionally -- expensive but IMO can save thousands of dollars in health care costs, especially if anyone has allergies. The second is a passive (non-powered) washable electrostatic filter that replaces the fiberglas ones you (are supposed to) replace every month ;--) These are my favorite for a retrofit situation and cost about $100 for a 1 ft x 2 ft unit, but they are made to fit any size. Here's a 20 x 20 on amazon for fifty bucks: http://www.amazon.com/20x24x1-EZ-2000-Electrostatic-Washable-Filter/dp/B0006VSYQA
I use a Swiffer duster. It is a dust magnet and easily fits under most components.

Your wife might approve of enclosed Salamander Synergy racks.Have perforated mesh doors so unless you have super hot SS or tubes you can use it enclosed or leave back off as was mentioned.
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