Everything makes a difference!
What that difference is remains to be seen/heard. How much it costs for that difference/improvement is up to the person laying down the duckets. Always.
Ive had the opportunity to employ my main system cabling in or onto, my mass fi HT sys, from time to time. A significant change occurred as the result. A change for the better I would submit.
Whatever the philosophical bent one ascribes to in the process is fine enough. There is no exactly proper or right way to proceed. There is indeed no replacement for experience, yet no one has sufficient experience with all the available combinations of gear and cabling the market holds. My experience has shown me, that usually more money applied to a thing has better results. Generally speaking.
Not always, but usually.
The ticket for myself is the end result. Im an Are we there yet sort. Therefore Im a get it and keep it kind of nut. Ive found that obtaining worthwhile goods at the onset, then massaging them will produce several results. Mostly different, some quite good, some not as good, but none of the tweaks or interchanges of cabling, tubes, or isolation have been outright losers. Simply different. Ultimately very good, and outstanding are the goals at my humble hacienda of sunburn and sonics . Not perfection.
The P word doesnt work for me. Far too costly, and far too frustrating. That lack of adherence to perfection took some effort and time to overcome. I struggle with it still now and then.
I refuse to join one camp or another to the extent of exclusivity in philosophical methodology for the constructs of a system. What ever the steps or beginnings one takes are good enough to start with.
It is about fun. Enjoyment. Pleasure. an involving experience. Its not about a world beating better than anything or anyone elses endeavor.
If ya like what yer getting keep doing what yer doing . If not? Change what ya can.
Fer instance Ive had $2500 (retail) worth of cabling on a $3K (retail) CDP. Whats that say? Other than Im a nut, I must like what Im getting with that setup, as I didnt begin there nor did I envision EVER putting that much into mere wire. Lately Ive even tried to reverse the process and drop down a few notches in cabling prices just to see once more if Ive completely lost me mind. Nope. Minds still there and in good enough stead to discern audible disadvantages from digressing below previous wiring accoutrement. So Ill once again acquire a step higher level of source wiring than what had gone before. Only because my now system is more resolving and can handle the acquisition of greater detail and resolution the upscale cabling should provide the litmus test as always, will be my preffs in sound. Nothing further.
That should always be the key IMO, personal satisfaction. Not keeping up with the latest and greatest, or even the Joness.
Im not so sure even balance (as mentioned earlier) is the ticket for everyone as preffs may preclude some aspects of the sonic presentation, or enhance a certain portion. Speaking to the financial end of things, some seller/makers ask what level gear you own and prescribe their such & such accessories at a price point you may not be willing to deal with now or in the future.
Ive an upscale preamp, that is supplied with a reasonable performing power cable, and have just added a pair of ICs that even at their retail price point, are but 25% that of my preamps retail value.
Its not so much about unlocking the characteristics of the device so much as it is about my level of enjoyment I perceive from them. Within reason of course. My economic level dictates just how much unobtainium Im gonna get in the end.
High end audio and video is a big, big playground and like any playground there are usually more ways to win than just one. As in any game, sportsmanship and integrity are key IMO. ...but do play the game to the extent you can. Not to play is the only sure way to lose.