Members with No Feedback


Has anyone noticed an increase of members with little or no Feedback? I have had 9 responses to my most recent ad--4 with no Feedback, and 4 with low Feedback. I realize that we all have to start somewhere; but this seems a little strange...
Ag insider logo xs@2xpretender
Keep in mind everyone that Audiogon is also the Stereophile Marketplace and I think that link attracts many new members. I like to think that when I started out more established members gave me a chance, I would hope most of us would do the same. I think that a little common sense goes a long way in preventing a scam. Insist on phone conversation, be wary of deals that seem too good to be true, etc. I will agree that I find the inability to post links inexplicable, unless Agon ownership perhaps ran afoul of copyright laws or something? I'm no expert on Net legality, but maybe not all links are kosher? Anyway back to the original point, play it safe and keep your wits about you and you can safely expand your universe of possible trading partners.
One suggestion for those who have little or no feedback, if they wish to gain some positive feedback scores, is to buy some inexpensive CD's or LP's and make sure to trade feedback. That way you now have some positive feedback so that sellers have some way of judging your credibility. As a seller I am always wary of scammers although I have found sellers to be less reliable than buyers, go figure. Usually it has to do with misrepresentation of the condition of a product for sale.
I know I bought my first peice a day or so after joining, my search on google led me here in the first place, this was with the old system. I bet I would have an additional 36 to 48 points but it doesnt mean much and myself nor the other party bothered with swapping points. A phone call is the best way to feel comfortable with a potential transaction other then multiple positive feedbacks.
As far as threads pulled, postings denied and so on I guess the forums are a free bonus and curtousy so while it is irritating it cant be over thought.
When had AudioGon done away with negative feedback? When I view a members' feedback,I take into account the negatives.I gurss it is "Old school VS New School"You reap what you sew.This is a passionate hobby.I know if a member is eager for a product,they don't mind using Paypal.But when I receive a payment this way,I need to pack the gear that night or the next day and ship.I know that I appreciate being kept up to date as to the progress of a transaction-fromreceipt to shipment and tracking.Feedback is optional,though appreciated.Some of the "new school" want their moneys immediately by Paypal and get around to shipping when they are inclined to do so.Hopefully not after the replacement arrives.Some people have good manners,others don't.I have found that the "older" members have a "code of ethics" and I would prefer to deal with them.Once you get frustrated,the thrill is gone.
Rlawry, thats all well and good but I still wouldnt feel comfortable selling a expensice amp or speakers to some guy who bought only 5 $6.00 albums.