are any of your friends audiophiles?

I dont have one single friend I can get into audio.

Of course through this hobby I have met friends who are hard core
'philes like me, but not one of my other friends will even consider letting me put togther a simple and low cost high end-ish system.

One friend now claims when he gets some money he'll let me get him
one of those $650 (used of course) chinese integrated tube amps but it hasn't happened yet. A few of my friends are even somewhat loaded, but none will take the trip.

Of course they enjoy hearing my system, and two even comes to the audio shows with me but that is as far as it gets.

What about your friends?
Albert, I hope you realize how blessed you are to have a wonderful core group of audiophile friends. I have a feeling you may be an exception to the prevailing trend.

When I lived in NJ I had a nice handful of audiophile friends. I also belonged to the NJ Audio Society which gave me frequent contact with those members who regularly attended meetings.

But my recent move to Tucson AZ has me a bit confused and I confess I feel isolated out here. I've made a few friends, and definitely value them, but don't see them as often as I'd like. This lack of frequent visitation may also have to do with me being a non-smoker and almost all the others being smokers who are not afraid to light up whether it bothers me or not. (They probably don't even think to consider how distasteful smoking is to a non-smoker.)

I understand that there are a lot of audiophiles in the Phoenix area, and maybe I should look there to make more friends. That said, Phoenix is a good couple hour drive from my location, and their Audio/Video society usually meets on a day and time that I cannot attend.

I enjoy listening by myself and also sharing music with my wife and son, but it would be nice to find a few local audiophile friends who don't need to light up while they listen. Oh well, such is life.
Plato, I too am a non smoker, as is every audiophile in my group. All together we have about 19 members, counting the infrequent visitors as well as the regulars.

It's a varied mix each week. I've had weeks were only one person was able to show up and weeks were there was no place to sit.

I would think Tucson would have a nice group of audiophiles, they probably do and you just have not discovered them.

It's funny, a couple of my newest members (people coming for less than two years) are guys that live near me and someone who came to listen ask if they could bring a friend. Turns out we all got along so well we now exchange email or speak on the phone at least once a day.

What worked for our group is my absolutely consistent meetings every week on the same day at the same time. I've been doing this for over 30 years and I actually have two guys that are part of that original group.

In the last couple of years I've picked up a couple of female members. Both absolutely love music and one has a very high end system. The other is a designer and I do photography for her company.
Tbg- I think to race anything you have to be a little bit crazy, 'cept for maybe hamster racing, although the saddle can get a little uncomfy.
I have converted a few. Most people do not get it (great sound quality)? What does one do...
I was just poking fun in my first comment. Truth be told we have SMAC Southwest Michigan Audiophile Club which consist of a core group of about fifteen or so members and a mailing list of about another fifty in its third year now. It is a good group of diverse folks including several turntable and tube amp designers and many of us who are just plain music lovers. It is loosely tied to and Karma Fest which is a once a year (weekend) festival/event of both manufacturers and DIY audio enthusiasts. Its primary focus is on two-channel audio with maybe half of the displays running tube gear and turntables. It may be the biggest/best showing of two-channel analog audio around. We would like to think it's so! It’s probably not the highest of high-end, but there’s little attitude and lots of enthusiasm and the members keep it real. So we truly have a rich culture of audiophiles in our area. Yet, my personal and primary focus has always been on live music and record collecting more so than listing to wires and that sort of thing. I would not trade my orchestra hall seats for a new cable of the month. Sorry.

Happy Listening!