Pet audiophile peeves - name yours

1. Power supplies that are not the same size or finish as the preamp. Who decided this was a good idea?

2. Ridiculous and obvious snake oil salesman
1. Ads featuring borrowed/stolen photos. There's one running now that I was interested in until I noticed the pics looked familiar. Makes you wonder.
2. Items priced outrageously high, especially when an identical piece is listed for 25% less.
3. Used items rated 10 or even 9.
4. Won't go into the "gears" type but there are plenty of them.
Greedy dealers.
Wise guys.
My system is the best..........but looking for advice.
Two guys with tree opinions.
Guy that can't let go.
My friend's uncle got it - it sounds great.
What do you think about my system ? Well... I don't. do ?!#. You make me!!! Who the @#$%&* are You again and where did You get my $%%&**&% email.
I just got this brand new $5,000 sp-cables they are the best I ever own. I am sure they are - congratulations.
Guys with " Magic Genie " and his truck full of equipment.
But then again, who is perfect?
1. Sellers who post "obo" then get upset because you offer $3000 for the posted $3200.
When I see "obo" this indicates that they are willing to consider less (or more) than the stated price- yezz, noo???

2. Members who post their political opinions when someone is merely pointing out a conceert they enjoyed, or music they like, or even a message in a song.
For instance- the great talented American- Bruce Springsteen!!! Or the great John Lennon.
Go someplace else on the web to vent politics. This site is about music, sound, stereo, and sometimes we might even become friends.