Pet audiophile peeves - name yours

1. Power supplies that are not the same size or finish as the preamp. Who decided this was a good idea?

2. Ridiculous and obvious snake oil salesman
My biggest complaint is not having enough "TIME" to enjoy the Hifi system(s).
Use of the word "chord" for "cord"

Use of the word "schill" for "shill" (It pisses the fish off)

"Lowballers politely ignored." (How do they know?)

Use of the word "snarky" in any context

Requiring a reason for selling

People that make a big deal over typos, grammar, punctuation, syntax, accuracy, factual representation, scientific proof, empirical evidence, or common sense

Smart asses

Gawdbless: cockney rhyming speech? In your boat race*!

Those who dish out advice with great conviction and yet are unwilling to stand up and be counted or criticised through sharing photos of their virtual system; like a toy dog that only barks loudly from behind the safety of a fence. If you know enough to speak your mind then pony up and show us some pics!!
non-US buyers who ask you to declare under penalty of perjury on a US Customs form that a $1500 cartridge is actually a "used record player needle" given as a "gift" with a value of "$45."
Entrope- Indeed It is me old china, T'aint really 'speech' gov'ner but more like 'slang', nuffink like a bit of East London.