New Audiophile - Upgrade Amp First or CDP First?

I'm somewhat ashamed to say (at least in this crowd) that I've been living with Technics and Philips for years and years. I always wanted an audiophile system, but never wanted to invest the funds before now. At least I had a pair of Infinity RS-5B speakers.

Anyway, it was recently that I knew I finally had to bite the bullet and upgrade. I started with a great used pair of Paradigm 11se Mk II speakers. Not brand new or anything major in the audiophile world, but a world of difference for me who needs to start at a budget.

My plans next are to upgrade to getting an Outlaw RR2150 receiver and an Ah! Njoe Tjoeb 4000 CDP with the updgrades including the upsampler.

My question is, which one should I get first? I'll only likely be able to afford one at a time. Which would make the biggest impact in improving my system - replacing my Technics amp with the Outlaw or replacing my Philips CDP with the Ah! Njoe Tjoeb?

Also, I'm open to any other advice/suggestions from people who've been doing this longer or a lot longer than me. Thanks!
First, welcome to the hobby! You are right to pick the brains of those like myself who have learned the hard way.
An amplifier will upgrade all sources including the CD, so I would do it first.
Also, quality used CD players can often be had cheap on the used market. A new, low production CD player is not a good investment.
Consider a used older, name brand (like Conrad/johnson or Quad), 75-100 watt or so power amp, instead of the receiver. A two dollar volume control from Radio Shack will will outperform anything you can afford as a pre-amp. If you do not know anyone who can solder, get back here for instruction.
best wishes
The whole soldering/tweaking thing is a bit beyond me, and honestly isn't an avenue I want to pursue as a novice. I'm already breaking my previous $1,000 budget as is with the equipment I plan to get which will be around $1,500 considering I get the Ah! 4000 used. With that I don't mind the upgrades as they'll likely already be installed new or if not it sounds like easy instructions to install, including upgrading the tubes. When it comes to the idea of soldering, I get pretty freaked out. For a $1,500 budget and for it being my first audiophile system, do the units I described really sound like bad choices? I decided on them after tons of research and suggestions from othes at audiogon on other threads...
Also I'm going to have to decide on a very affordable connecting cable and speaker wires at some point. I'm really starting from scratch here except for the fact that I've got the Paradigm speakers which I love...