what kind of audiophile are you ?

since it is obvious that a boom box or car radio is all that is necessary for most people to enjoy music, hobbyists have other objectives.

as i see it, there are three types of audiophiles:

1) equipment fanatics
2) compulsive pursuers of accuracy
3) aesthetic appreciators of instrumental timbre

i am type 3) person, which one are you ?
If I had to stick myself in one of those three categories, I'd fall mostly into category 3. I most definitely don't have much of either of the other two categories. I just prefer to have gear that I can completely ignore, that disappears without a trace. Set it and forget it. I do it entirely for the love of the music itself. I like whatever brings me closer to the music I love, and its only for that reason I pursue any improvements. I wouldn't care if it came in plain metal box with a blue light on it and ugly wires and exposed tubes. Wait a minute...


PS I have to admit that speakers do play on my visual aesthetics more than other components, only because they're so visible and cannot be otherwise tucked away or hidden.
Timbre refers to the sonics of a single instrument and believe it or not it's root is the Drum think tympanny

Mechans...good one! I will be interested how Mr Tennis can reconcile his love for timbre and Quad ESL 57 when this speaker sorely lacks ability in this area.
#1? Ab-so-tively!! Major gearhead checking in.
#2? Well kind a. I am finally growing up enough to realize how very pewrsonal and subjective perfection is.
#3? Ya that's nice, but it's more
#4: Dynamics and harmonics. I like to be able to dissect the melody and harmony of a symphony orchestra in full howl. Taking X-rays to the genius of Stravinsky or Ravel ...or Alice Cooper... gives me dem big goosey bumps.

cheers apo
In retrospect, I think Shadorne has hit on it. Those with systems where they are feeling musical bliss, those constantly changing out gear seeking bliss. I unfortunately fall in the latter group.