Need ideas for replacing a Tandberg receiver.

I have a early-1980's vintage Tandberg tr-2080 stereo receiver (100w/channel) that I use in my 2 channel A/V system. REcently, I have relegated it to another use and I would like to replace it with another receiver. I loved the sound of this unit (smooth , powerful and sweet would be a good description) in my system and would like to replace it with something similar or slightly better, probably something I would acquire second hand off of Audiogon or ebay. I'm looking for suggestions. If anybody has experience upgrading or replacing a similar Tandberg unit specifically with good results, I would be interested in hearing. ALso, if anyone has had a similar TANdberg unit refurbished successfully for reasonable cost, I would be interested in any leads regarding where to send my 2080 to get it fixed up, if you think this would be a good investment. The unit has had some bulbs out for years but has worked well (with occasional switch cleanings) over the years. REcently, I'm experiencing more serious trouble with the volume going intermittently on the right channel, so I have switched it for use as a power amp only for now.

THanks in advance for any advice.
Thanks Rich. THis looks like a viable option for repairing the Tandberg.

Your posted description of your systems suggests you like a sound similar to what I've described with the Tandberg. I'm wondering if you've ever heard this or other Tandberg receivers or amps and could offer any comparisons to other units you either own or have heard. For example, I've heard of Outlaw Audio but have no idea how this might compare.
repair the 2080 for iconoclistic wonder that is really one of a kind in terms of cost/performance.