In the blue corner with Have Mr Dave Willlllllllson (applause) a well respected maker of fine expensive loudspeakers with a big workshop, lots of staff and huge overheads, and In the blue corner Audiogons very own Mr DIY guru and extremely nice guy John Kalllllllllll.......inowski (applause). Pep talk by the referee, clean fight, no holding, biting or kicking In the family jewels, break when I say 'cone'. Ding Ding. 25 years DW has been making speakers. JK 20 years, so not a lot In that one.Tied 1-1. Who sells the most speakers? DW by a mile. 2-1 to the blue corner. Who can make any pair you like to virtually dimension, shape, size, form and not working to rule? JK. 2-2. Who can you call anytime (well nearly) for a hi-fi chat? JK 2-3 to the red corner. Who has the best (most expensive) website and brochures? DW 3-3. Who has the best sounding speakers? I would say red corner, and the vast majority will boo and hiss and say blue corner. 4-4. Oops, Ring Invasion, ref stops the bout. A tie has been declared from a hard fought battle of the bass woofer heavyweights.
BUT SERIOUSLY FOLKS...............
I would say that both are well respected speaker bods who know their capacitors from their circuit boards. My own personal view Is that Johnk can make anything as good as D.Wilson Including the all Important sound for a huge amount less than Mr.Wilson can, obviously a one man show working In his own workshop Is not going to have the overheads of a big speaker company. There Is absolutely nothing wrong with going the DIY way to attain a world class sounding speaker rather than to any other big speaker manufacturer who also produces world class sounding gear. I would prefer the red corner route myself. Judging by all the good feedback Mrk gets he leaves all his customers satisfied with all aspects of his work. Its all down to you pays yer money and you takes yer choice.
I was Impressed with the Maxx2's at the Denver show as I heard them with a cd I am very familiar with. I would not trade them for my Oris 150's that Johnk had a hand In. Does that mean they are better? Nope. I just prefer mine. They also cost a lot less.
Just my own personal opinions on the topic...........