Reused Item Photos. Misleading?

I noticed today that there are two Ruby 3 carts for sale from different buyers. Each uses the same photographs to seemingly represent the condition and packaging of the item for sale. I think it is misleading practice unless disclosed as a representitive photo of a similer item.

How do members feel about this practice?
I agree completely with Viridian.

He does sell nothing but complete crap.
Sometimes, I have trouble even recognizing the unit in question from the photo he supplies through all the dust, rust, dirt and debris. The set of "Minty" speakers you sold my friend had a picture of what looked like three way speakers, and yet the speakers that arrived were two way speakers, and were labeled "Kraco". Still, they do work, which was somewhat surprising. (PS My friend is coming over next week and is bringing a few buddies to thank you personally. I knew you would not mind me giving him your real address, (Not the address you use when selling items, but the one you use when buying items. BTW, how are those Wilson Alexandria speakers I sold you for $500 sounding. Ha! Ha!)

(Marty, btw, that last amp you sold me was really something special. I was expecting a nice solid state amp, but when I opened the box and saw the tubes, I was pleasantly surprized. Of course, the fireworks display it put on when I plugged it in was worth the cost of admission alone! (At least according to my kid!) And I should note, that the local Fire Dept. (and my insurance carrier), would like to talk to you about the extension cord you substituted for the power cable.)

So to answer the question posed, No, I don't think having pictures of the actual unit in question is necessary at all.

Viridian, where did you get those cool pics. of my Thorens TD150AB MK2. I check my HD and still couldn't find it.
Sand me a copy would you?

If you have Rockport or SME TT for sale
I will be more then happy to buy those pictures,
just make sure it is double boxed.
yes..and has anyone else noticed that in ratings, '7 is the new 8'.....everthing is 'excellent, except for.....'
I always use someone else's photo, and begin the ad with "Selling my beloved xyz, used only in my guest bedroom system on Thanksgiving holidays. Tubes have 13.7 hours on themThis amp cherry girl, she serve you long time".

That usually gets 'em.

P.S.- Viridian- can you please return the $14,000 money order I sent you for the Bose 901 speakers? I'm starting to get the feeling you snookered me.
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