more copyright nonsense

A new bill in congress to stop Pirating!
Why is that whenever the people who own the rights to the music try to protect it the people who are trying to steal it go ballistic? Pretty obvious don't you think. It is summed up pretty well in the article.

Back in the day, my friend's Elton John collection encouraged me to buy my own. If she'd made me identical MP3s, I would've spent the money. However, I'd still shell out for Elton John concerts.

The "would've" is obviously a mistake; she meant she would not have spent the money and therefore would have deprived Elton John, Bernie Taupin, and the record company of their fair share. I find it comical that she feels paying to see him in concert gives her the right to steal his music.

Equating borrowing a record with giving away a digital copy is ridiculous. It has never been illegal to loan out a copyrighted article whether book, record, or whatever. However, it has always been illegal to copy it and give it away. I have no idea whether or not this particular law is good legislation but the idea of copyright enforcement is an excellent idea. The author seems to think that file sharing is just fine and a good thing for the artists. What she fails to realize is that the artists generally disagree and since they own the rights, they have every right to protect what is theirs.
when you buy a cd or lp, you're buying the disc itself, and your right to reproduce the music is restricted to personal,and/or in home use. in other words, you own the media, not the music. the music delivered via downloading is no different.
The Digitial Millenium Copyright Act was one of the worst laws ever passed in our country. This is more of the same. Congress has lost sight of the true purposes of copyright laws (encouraging innovation by granting creators exclusive rights for a LIMTED TIME.) FYI Slikrik3000, it is unclear what effect the DMCA had on the Sony betamax ruling which effectively legitimized copying for personal use. Disney effectively bought an extension of their copyrights with the Sonny Bono copyright extension act (which extended copyright for an additional 20 years). The problem is that music companies have no clue how to make huge amounts of money in the digital age -it is very possible that business model just is no longer valid. People are not buying CD's much anymore (mostly just old audiophiles.) The porno DVD industry is in the same sinking boat. The practical issue for most may be the attempts to criminalize putting music you have paid for on a digitial server. Do you think the record companies wants everyone to pay again, like people were suckered into replacing LP's with CD's? Who do you think pays more to buy lobyists, congressmen and president(s)? Record Companies and Walt Disney, or music consumers?
suppose i buy a cd and after listening to it for a month bring it to a friend's house. after hearing the cd my friend says: "i think i will buy this cd". i suggest he doesn't have to buy the disk because i will come over to his house and let him listen to it once /week. is this stealing ?

or suppose i lend it to him ? is that stealing ?

suppose 4 people create a library and each one borrows a cd ? has stealing occurred ?

it seems to me as long as no money is changing hands there is no stealing. what is the difference between giving my friend a free copy and lending him the disk or bringing it to him, if the result is that he doesn't buy the cd ?
Mrtennis-no fair applying logic. Greedy music makers and politicians who will do anything for a campain contribution.