I like tubes with my Apogees....I think it depends on your goals. I found tubes to be more musical sounding than what I had been using...Solid state, Krell, Bat, Pass......ect
My advice, forget the Maggies...buy some Apogees, and tubes.
Not sure what there is to watching tubes kind of like watching a turntable go round and round, only a little less exciting.
In some applications tubes do contribute to a very natural and lifelike sound. Depending on where you want to employ tubes in your system, they normally require careful matching and dont sound very good when mismatched.
Best phone your Maggie dealer or manufacturer and ask them if they are suitable for tubes.
I used to love watching the tubes..Until on more than one occasion, one would glow cherry red and quit! It got to the point I was staring at the tubes to make sure they were "behaving" normally and subconsciously worried while not paying attention to the music!
Now, I run SS amps and let the tubes in the pre amp do their thing without having to stare at any tubes!!
Seriously, I love tube amps and surely will own more again! If you plan on keeping your Maggies..be sure to use LOTS of good tubes! ;-)
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