Just a short remark from the receiving end, Switzerland, that is. All the advice above is excellent. Fedex and UPS are indeed expensive, but seem to clear customs especially fast. If you want to go USPS, make sure to use their Express (EMS) service, not cheap either but very good and reliable on the delivery end. Clearly it is unethical to lie about prices on your export papers. However if you do, you cannot be held to account by the customs authority of the destination country, but it could happen to your customer, that customs wants to see his wire transfer or Paypal statement to find out if the value you gave for the goods is correct. The fines for faulty declarations can be quite stiff. However it is the customer who is in for trouble, not you, if he armtwists you to give a lower declaration and he is found out. Besides insurance coverage is only for the amount declared in the shipping papers. So if the customer wants you to cheat and the goods get lost or damaged you or rather your shipper are only liable for damages up to the amount declared as far as I know.