Hard Drive/Computer Audio at the SHOW and CES

I read there was going to be a lot of new computer/hard drive/memory audio stuff at the SHOW and CES, like Wavelength, new VRS stuff, new USB DAC's, etc. but I haven't been able to find any coverage on computer audio type systems in particular. What gives? I thought this would be a big year for computer audio. Has anybody been able to find any news?
There was some stuff there, I don't recall the various models but suffice to say there wasn't an abundance of gear oriented towards computer storage and playback. Lots and lots of turntables though!
Modwright had their modified transporter unit there. I heard it was used extensivly.
Hack: That's reassuring. We definitely need more turntables out there. With 125MM copies of iTunes in use vinyl needs a chance to catch up ;-)

I've said it before: the industry is lame.
I spent my time at the Venetian and T.H.E. Show, I didn't bother with the LVCC where the consumer stuff is kept. You're interested in convenience, there's plenty of consumer-grade products to pick from that cater to that side of the market, Apple's webpage features some examples that compliment the iPod. Theta announced a gadget, and B&W have released the Zeppelin to cater to the 'pod crowd. This is the "industry" you value, that's fine with me.

The people on this site are interested in sound quality first and foremost, compromised source material is of little interest to us. And there's nothing lame about the sound of a well set up analog rig, but there's plenty lame about consumer digital. I suppose that's a different part of the "industry", I'm thankful it's still alive and kicking.