I think my hearing is damaged.

Let me explain. I am a 46 yr old male. I know cant hear like I used to. People have to repeat themselves. Thats not what I am talking about. Whenever I have a cold my right ear will vibrate inside. It is annoying to the point that I dont want to listen when Im sick. It is always my right ear and never my left. It dulls my hearing until I get well. I have had hearing tests and my right ear is slightly less sensitive. I did a drug for 10 years that may affect hearing. So what is the vibrating??? Is there damage to the eardrum??????
What was the circumstances surrounding the vertigo episode if I may ask?I have also been experiencing something similiar,I believe,thanks,Bob
You may want to see a neurologist if your balance is effected as well. My wife was experiencing loss of hearing and what she thought were occasional episodes of slight vertigo and unbalance. The audiologist tested her hearing and said it was "normal for her age". A neurologist discovered she had a brain tumor, "Acoustic Neuroma", named such because it originates on the acoustic nerve. It is NOT cancerous and very slow growing, but if left untreated can be fatal. Typical treatment for such an ailment is wrought with terrible side effects. So if ANYONE is diagnosed with this PLEASE e-mail me for details of her successful recovery.