1) Prices have increased 10x or more, but regardless of price, "high end" audio has seen only marginal improvements since the 80's
2) Profit margins over 100% are inversely correlated to the integrity, credibility and trustworthiness of the manufacturer and/or distributor
3) Most tweaks have profit margins of 1000% or more
4) Usually, the quality of the music and performance is inversely correlated to the quality of the recording
5) Re the source vs speakers debate: no chain is stronger than its weakest link!
6) There is no such thing as too much good, clean power
7) Re dynamic vs planar speakers: whatever the debate, planars and electrostatics are far more COOL. (And they probably have better midrange.)
8) Audiophiles rarely say "it sounds wonderful and the music brings me joy, but I really wish the system had more 'extension' and/or 'resolution'"
9) Audiophiles often say "I dont enjoy the system - it sounds bright and fatiguing"
10) Analogue and vacuum tubes still rule
2) Profit margins over 100% are inversely correlated to the integrity, credibility and trustworthiness of the manufacturer and/or distributor
3) Most tweaks have profit margins of 1000% or more
4) Usually, the quality of the music and performance is inversely correlated to the quality of the recording
5) Re the source vs speakers debate: no chain is stronger than its weakest link!
6) There is no such thing as too much good, clean power
7) Re dynamic vs planar speakers: whatever the debate, planars and electrostatics are far more COOL. (And they probably have better midrange.)
8) Audiophiles rarely say "it sounds wonderful and the music brings me joy, but I really wish the system had more 'extension' and/or 'resolution'"
9) Audiophiles often say "I dont enjoy the system - it sounds bright and fatiguing"
10) Analogue and vacuum tubes still rule