Hifi racks with isolation

can audiogon community recommend some good racks which assist in improving the sound of CD player and amp
If you have the space for them the Critical Mass shelves and racks work great.

Critical Mass Systems.com

Also, I would second the recommendation for the HRS stuff. With either brand you can start with the isolation shelves first.
Kevin will design the SRA Craz racks to your needed size.

You can check out mine in Virtual Systems.

I could not be happier with their performance and they are also beautiful.


I needed eight shelves and a height of six feet, the space I have would not allow a 'double wide' rack. I know they will custom make the Craz, but they just couldn't meet all my wants.

BTW Beautiful system, and nice racks! Love all the Transparent in there!
I too highly recommend the Grand Prix Audio. Kennyt, regarding them being "flimsy", that's intentional to decouple vibration away from the shelves.