The most important word of advise?

If you were to make a list of the most important considerations (to pursue or avoid) for putting together an audio system, what would be on the top of the list, the number one most important piece of advise?
The room first, though you can only work with what you've got to work with. Next, speakers that will work in your room. Finally an amp the will bring out the best in your speakers.
Stop Reading Audio Forums...................

................................especially if you are looking for answers regarding "The Most Important Word Of Advice" in audio.

Okay, I failed miserably there!

But seriously, sometimes have you ever wondered why only a handful of people constantlty answering all the forum topics on boards like this? Does that make us a victim of "micro management" like responses?

My experience: there are a handful of people from that group that really know what they are talking about. Several of them already posted here (Tvad, Jay, Stehno,PhilJ, Onhwy61, Ncarv, Kurt, to name a few). I have been an Off/On visitor of this board for almost 8 years now and those guys never failed to give great and worthy advice IMHO. Those that you need to avoid are the ones that have a "non-debatable" type of advice who's basis was from constantly swapping gears. Why? Because, in the end, you will get confuse and stray so far off that you cannot even remember where you started from and what is your purpose of doing it.

Me: Everything in audio is a compromise. Know your expectations and you will save time and lots of money in the long run to better enjoy what you have. Build if you can. Buy if you cannot. Find "audio buddies" if you can, but don't compete with them or of what they have. Contrast the variety! Instead, enjoy the friendship as you go along the journey. Good people makes the audio world go round or whatever kind of world you are in for that matter.

Damn! Have to go before I became too emotional....



Number 1 would be Audiogon. Read, study and learn and buy used from members that have good feedback and have been around awhile.

Audiogon has opened to me the world of high end audio that is affordable.

Number 2 is don't spend all your money on digital. Digital is good for making love, cleaning the house or any other activities that don't require you to flip a LP over every 20 min.

Understand analog. Here is where the music can breath and have life. Most who have gone over the top are into analog and will never look back.
The best and most sophisticated piece of test equipment is your two ears. Develop them.

Narrow it down to 3 or 4 CD's to use in selecting componets. One with a piano, one with violins, maybe a James Taylor CD (try to get his voice right!), and one you just love. Use these same ones everytime you audition. Don't get analytial, just ask youself if this component draws you in more.

Amp and speaker matching is very important but start with the speaker. It has to fit the room.

Good luck.