Has the internet been good for audio?

Before the internet, I'd go to 3 local stores and be a captive audience to whatever Stereophile told me. But now with the internet the retail stores have more competition and there are a lot more choices. Maybe too many. Some questions that run through my mind:
Is your system better because of the internet?
Was it worth the trouble?
What happens to the retail stores?
Were the simpler times better? I remember when Klipsch and Fried were the hot brands. From what I've been told, B&W actually made great speakers in the olden days.
Yes, yes, yes, for equipment and software. As in any marketplace, the more information you have and the wider your net, the more realistic the prices are. It has done away with 'trade-ins', given exposure to new artists. In summary, it has made the 'hobby' much more enjoyable.
once you can tell the difference between advice and advertising, its all good.
I'd have probably lost interest in audio if not for the vast amount of info available on the internet.
The internet has the potential to reach and expose so many people to the audionerd world. So be nice!
The brick and mortar stores have got to evolve with the internet. So do the manufacturers. Extinction is the only other option.

I never would have paid the prices for most new gear and would still be with my 80's system without Audiogon. Nobody lost any market share on me.