Be very, very careful about doing this. Make sure that you get insurance for the speakers. A lot of freight companies, BAX Global for one, had a policy in place that limited the insurance to $500 per pair (for individuals). Make sure that the insurance will cover the cost to replace both of the speakers, including shipping, handling and tax. You should also have the seller put the insurance in your name, or else you'll end up having to use the seller as a middle man.
Another point is what happens if only one speaker is damaged? Some carriers will pay half of the insurance, and wash their hands of it. Leaving you with one speaker. (Try buying one speaker at a discount! Or worse yet, if that particular speaker is no longer in production, what then? Or, if that particular speaker model has been updated, so it does not sound the same as the remaining speaker.)
Driving there doesn't sound so bad now, does it?!
I am not trying to scare you out of buying them, (I did this same thing a few years ago with my Revel Studios). But, you need to go into this with both eyes wide open!
Good Luck!
PS My Studios did indeed come to me on a pallet, so using a pallet is a good idea.
Another point is what happens if only one speaker is damaged? Some carriers will pay half of the insurance, and wash their hands of it. Leaving you with one speaker. (Try buying one speaker at a discount! Or worse yet, if that particular speaker is no longer in production, what then? Or, if that particular speaker model has been updated, so it does not sound the same as the remaining speaker.)
Driving there doesn't sound so bad now, does it?!
I am not trying to scare you out of buying them, (I did this same thing a few years ago with my Revel Studios). But, you need to go into this with both eyes wide open!
Good Luck!
PS My Studios did indeed come to me on a pallet, so using a pallet is a good idea.