Well here's my entry level $2500 system

I thought if I looked around enough I should be able to put together a nice sounding system for $2500. Here's what I came up with:
Cherrywood Totem Sttaf speakers ( gotta have the cherrywoods)
Vuum 30 watt tube amp
Opera Audio Consance 120 Linear CD player
Glowpower IC
All demo or clearence equipment from dealers.

It's not a high end setup, but it sounds pretty good to me.
Ok, time to post your Virtual System. I'd love to see it over there. We need more highly effective, low cost systems posted.

I am at a bit over $3,000- with my digital playback system -Still very much entry level in every way but the sound. Alon Model 1 speakers w/LCY Supertweets, speakers 2nd owner$600- tweets new $500-, Bryston 4B amp- $500- 2nd owner. Conrad Johnson PV10 Pre amp w/Telefunken Line stage tubes-2nd owner $650, Sony CDP X77ES used $500 w Krell Stealth DAC $500- Signal Cable Bi Wires with Kimber PJB, IC's. I am VERY happy with the music this system makes, It will shake the walls with Led Zep or bring tears to your eyes with a symphony. I took my time and bought used but in primo condition. The last peice was the Krell DAC and that brought it all together beautifully.
I recently inherited about 500 lp's and did my homework and purchased the first new component of my system a KAB 1210 M5G Technics table with Goldring 1042 Cartridge for a bit under $1k. My existing Preamp happens to have a fine phono section so it works well together. I am enjoying listening to records again for the first time in about 30 years and I am very happy with the Kab tt. So overall I am probably close to 5k for both analog and digital and listen almost daily, I even had the wife singing along to a Simon and Garfunkel lp last night- so much better than tv. I think the most important element in this system is synergy among components followed closely by room acoustics = beautiful sounding music in my house. I'll take some pics soon and post them to my virtual system
good job --but just wait and see how long it remains stable before you upgrade--:):)