Will adding a preamp dramatically change my sound?

You can link to my system below, but basically it is a Cary CD player with internal analog volume control direct to a Spectron Musician II amplifier into Totem Forest Speakers, with quality cables and power cords. Honestly I don't feel anything is lacking, but still find myself getting curious about what effect a preamp would have. Anyone have any experience going from a CD direct to amplifier, and later adding a preamplifier? To what result?
Generally the problem with CDP-to-amp direct is the use of digital volume control, which can greatly compromise the sound. However, since your Cary is providing analog volume control and Cary generally uses high quality parts, I doubt you'll gain much, if anything, by adding a pre.

As you spend more and more, both analog and digital volume controls can, and usually do, get better. Still, if this is going to be your only source and there's a good match with your Spectron (you'd expect that from Cary) then you're probably in great shape.

Cutting out a set of ICs is almost always a good thing. In fact, you'll probably gain more by upgrading your ICs and PCs than adding a pre.

Anyway, there's no harm in trying a pre-amp, but don't buy without doing and A-B comparison.

you also want to consider the output impedance of your player in relationship to the amp. A preamp could lower the impedance making it easier for the amp to drive the signal.
a preamp may color the sound, creating a "flavor" you may or may not prefer. it may be worth your time to listen to a feww preamps.
Some CD players (e.g., my Raysonic CD 128) sound fabulous through an active linestage and pretty dismal through a passive or straight into a power amp. I would definitely experiment and not prejudge the result. Dave
I used a Camelot Uther IV dac with anolog volume control direct to amp for many years. About 8 months ago I added an Aesthetix Calypso preamp which in my opinion provided a significant improvement. The pre added more weight and a richer tone to the music and also more depth to the soundstage. In this discussion forum you will find what I found, there are many people for as well as against pre amps in this situation. Buy well known used pre and you can alway resell if you don't like with little risk.