Cheap tweak from Virtual Dynamics:

Has anyone seen the short video from Virtual Dynamics showing the owner replacing all his speaker screws with all brass screws? I was wondering if you could hear an improvement. It's a cheap tweak, so I thought I might go to Home Depot and try out a set. What can I lose?
I could not find brass screws which were a close match. I did tighten the screws on my TAD 805SD a couple inlbs. They still sound great, especially for the price, but nothing startling to report here either.
Its the brass material 95% and the torque the balance..thats the measure of it all. The torque measurement device has much to do with adjusting for the shear strength of the brass material. Versus that of the inferior sound and greater shear strength of the steel usually supplied and installed by the factory. Brass is the metal of music. Tom
Yep, I don't doubt it. Maybe I'll get the courage to obtain the zillion brass bolts required for my 24 woofers and get to the job one day.
how does one confirm that the hardware store is selling you real brass screws and not plated?
Kbuzz, Brass is not magnetic. Stainless steel is not magnetic either. Test the screws with a magnet.