System advice

My system is thus:

Vandersteen 2CE sigs
Anthem MCA 20 amp
Anthem TLP1 preamp/tuner
VPI Scout with Dynavector 10x5 and SDS
Audioquest Diamondback ICs
Denon dual deck CD player/recorder

I'm thinking about upgrading but I don't have any specific complaints about any particular component in my current setup. I do know it's lacking compared to higher end setups I have heard but again, nothing I can enumerate.
I have about $2k to spend.
Can you recommend any component replacement or tweak that would make a clear improvement for that amount? Thanks in advance.
I guess I should have been a bit more concise. Other systems I have heard (at various dealers) sound more live, as if the musicians are there. My setup sounds good but not quite as "live". Maybe not as crisp? Make sense?
I'm in the Chicago area, far northwest burbs.
I would sell the Anthem amp and preamp, and look for a VAC Avatar Super integrated amp.

Good luck,
I second Sbank's suggestion. Isolation ( both electrical and physical ) and damping tweaks have done wonders for my systems. Premium power cords ( within reason ), a Porter Port, an Isoclean power bar ( these aren't cheap ), BDR cones, Herbie's Audio Lab footers and tube dampers, Bright Star Isonodes, maple platforms and isolation transformers are all very good bets.
I would spend every cent I could on a top notch preamp and go from there as funds allow.
The 2ce's should be able to give you that Live in Your Living Room sensation, no problem. I strongly preferred mine with tube gear. In the Chicago area, you ought to be able to find some different integrateds to try out. I think appropriate tube gear may bring them more to life for you.