Need cabinetry/shelving advice

Can anybody please direct me to manufacturers of sturdy shelving or cabinetry for audio equipment? It has to be attractive enough to gain the approval of my wife, while being sturdy enough to support my SOTA Sapphire turntable. On top of all of this, I can't spend a fortune on this furniture... $500 or less, if that's possible, would do it. Thanks for any and all advice!
Look for a used Salamander cabinet on Craig's List. Typically a Twin 30 will be under $500.
Ikea, or Salamander (used) are good options.
The Expedite by Ikea is excellent for LPs and the top can be used for your turntable. See it online.
Thanks, guys. I'd never have thought of Ikea. And Oregon, thanks for recommending a specific line... their web site's a little overwhelming!
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My Sota is on Ikea now but is usually on shot filled salamander. Personally, I'd go with a wall mount in my concrete wall if I could decide on the location I liked. Keep in mind how much room the dust cover needs when opened too.