Responses from 2out2sea
Fred Volz and Emotive Sira Pre Amp I had initially looked at the poeta, but I am enamored by point to point and no pcb. I will certainly keep the thread updated as it progresses. Fwiw, Fred has the chassis, but not the woodwork. He is still waiting on it to arrive.Jond, I am hoping... | |
Impedance mismatch question Thank you all very much. To further clarify why I am asking I will list my equipment;Audible illusions 2d preCary 308 cdpEmotiva xpa 2 gen2 ampGallo reference 3.5 speakers with gallo sub ampPower cords are tributaries silver and grace note customI... | |
A gallo reference sub amp or second subwoofer? I finally pulled the trigger and did indeed order the reference sub amp. I have been listening for two days and wow what a difference. Everything the speakers did well before is even better now. The imaging is slightly better. The soundstage has g... | |
A gallo reference sub amp or second subwoofer? Thank you everyone. I will order the gallo ref sub amp tomorrow. I will post my findings later after I have spent some time running the second voice coil...Brad | |
Prima Luna or sonic frontiers or audible illusions good call on the phono section...i don't need it. i'm a digital only guy. i know that is sacrilege, but it is what it is. a line stage only will serve me just fine. unfortunately i seem to recall reading that the modulus performed better than the ... | |
Prima Luna or sonic frontiers or audible illusions I have always heard good things about Chris and sonic frontiers, but I would love to know what ya'll hear as sonic differences bw each pre. The prima is the most tempting bc of the exposed tubes. Aesthetically I just like the exposed tubes. Howeve... | |
is there anyone that modifies audible illusions? (((i fell into audiophilia 15 yrs ago. the tributaries were too bright, but the audioquest seemed to tame it with my aforementioned vandersteens. i was happy for 13+years until this week.)))(((. strong violins for instance tend to sound harsh and ... | |
is there anyone that modifies audible illusions? Will gold lions hold up to the high gain of the ai ? Iirc the 2 series was even harder on tubes than the later 3.If possible can the earlier poster describe more in detail the differences bw the 2 and 3?Hifi geek, do you have a website or can you ... | |
crap luck w/ kimber 4vs in response to my inference that the audioquests are low performance, i only meant to infer that the type II wires were a lower end cable in the audioquest line. i bought them years ago b/c they were what i could afford at the time. certainly an i... | |
Prima Luna vs jolida guys, firstly i wanted to say thanks for making audiogon one of the best forums out there. i've been visiting this site for almost 15 years and i've never been insulted, ignored or ridiculed. it's very refreshing. many thanks for the help, advice ... | |
Prima Luna vs jolida i may try to contact jolida, but i am starting to wonder if a different tack may serve better. john hillig at musical concepts and i have talked and i may just modify my b&k into a state of the art amp. the cost is going to be essentially the ... | |
Prima Luna vs jolida i had a chance to listen last night to a jolida 502b in my system. bare with me as this will be a bit long winded, but here are my thoughts. it has really put me into a quandry. my long term amp of choice has been a b&k ex442. it's dual mono a... | |
Prima Luna vs jolida i like rogue and had considered them, but they only offer the titan stereo amp at anywhere near my price point. the m150 looks great, but way past my budget. i did notice a dynaco m125 kit that is available. not sure if i want to hassle with a kit... | |
Bi amping question rest assured that i will not attempt to connect two stereo amps in parallel. thanks for the explanation. it makes perfect sense once explained. back to the search for suitable mono blocks...brad | |
Bi amping question Thanks for the input. That is that I guess. Just out of curiosity, what causes the amp to blow if an RCA splitter is used at the pre amp sending two left signals to one amp and two right signals to the other. Then send left and right outputs to a ... |