
Responses from 68pete

High Fidelity Cables MC-0.5 Effect
The MC .O5s where a game changer for me. Easy to use, short break in. Had good results right away ten hours or less. Best results was at the wall for me. If you can swing 3 on 1 power line, think you will be impressed. I did get good results start... 
What equipment upgrades or tweaks will improve the sound of drums?
For me The High Fidelity MC O.5s brought better base. Easy to use and not that expensive in the scheme of things 
B@W Matrix 800 speakers
tattooedtrackmanI have had my 800s about 15 years now. Purchased them from a local B@W dealer going out of business. He had all the original crates and jumpers they came with. Since then i have up grade the jumpers to High Fidelity level 2 jumpers... 
eqipment on 24/7?
I leave all my solid state on 24/7, the amp is in stand by. Pre Amp and Disc. player on all the time. Unless i am out of town then they are all unplugged from the wall 
B@W Matrix 800 speakers
tattooedtrackmanThanks for the reply and info. My 800s are about 12 feet apart and 3 feet from rear wall with the right channel about 4 feet from the side wall. The left has no real side wall and is near a arch that goes into a small entryway. The... 
B@W Matrix 800 speakers
tatooedtrackmanYes any thing you can share would be great.Thanks Pete 
Most useful tweaks that are sensible and really make a noticeable improvement
High fidelity MC O.5s easy to use- good bang for the buck 
High Fidelity Cables MC 1-PRO
Hi socall77For me the Mc0.5s and the Pro-1, where better at the wall feeding my P10. I tried them plugged into the P10 and the results where not as good. I had my P10 feeding my MC 6 Hemisphere, with my front end plugged into the Hemisphere. The s... 
Sorry to ask this SACD question, but
tweak1The OPPO 95 has XLR 
Looking for a reasonably priced 20A power cord
Check THE CABLE CO. you may be able to demo a couple of power cords. 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
whostolethebatmobileHow did you use them(where in the set up)? report back when you get some more time on them 
High Fidelity Cables MC 1-PRO
Hello drpieAs you go up the High Fidelity line the sound gets better. So yes the higher up the line you can afford the better the sound will get. You say you have eleven outlets, is this on a power conditioner or distributor of some type? I have f... 
Home Demo Faceoff: Nordost / Audioquest / Transparent
Hello againI should have asked could you post the price of the cables you are demo (new price). It would be easier to evaluate if they are all close in price. 
Home Demo Faceoff: Nordost / Audioquest / Transparent
Sound like a fun trial. What age of Transparent Reference are you using? MM1, MM2, Gen. 5? And are they calibrated for your equipment? The Problem with demo the Transparent is they calibrate it from the Reference level up. Having the right calibra... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
ddraudtDid you have then both on the same power line or separate spots in your system/ If separate spots where?thanks Pete