High Fidelity Cables MC-0.5 Effect

I'm looking for some advice please.
Has anyone used/is using a High Fidelity Cables MC-0.5 Power Conditioner?
What are your observations?
I'm looking at possibly getting one.

Have a number of extras already:
- Akiko Triple AC Power Enhancer
- Akiko Audio Fuse Box Tuning Chip
- iFi AC iPurifier
- Russ Andrews 'The Silencer'
- Mad Scientist Nitro power cables
- Signal Ground Solutions Grounding Box
- Bybee iQSE

I'm not looking for comments from those who have not heard this in a system.

I have one installed in my system and find it to be the perhaps the best value system enhancement I've ever used. Fortunately, I've experienced all the positive results and none of the negatives lowrider57 noted. The MC-0.5 removes harsh and artificial artifacts present in music reproduction (that you weren't even aware were there until removed) and takes your system another step closer to sounding like real music. Like lowrider57, I would characterize my system as neutral with smooth extended highs. Evidently, the usual caveat of "YMMV" is at play. 
@photon46 , the sense of realism really is remarkable. Maybe your next upgrade should be a second MC-0.5. 

I probably could have made the modules fit my system, but it would have involved tube and cable rolling.
   I experimented using only one module, but the pair was twice as good. 

The MC .O5s where a game changer for me. Easy to use, short break in. Had good results right away ten hours or less. Best results was at the wall for me. If you can swing 3 on 1 power line, think you will be impressed. I did get good results starting with 2. The more i add it just got better.
enjoy Pete
These all sound promising. Thanks.
And I'm keen to try an MC 0.5
Like the idea of lower noise floor, more realistic instruments.
And more analogue.

With my above tweaks (Akiko etc), the sound has improved greatly over the past 12 months. Improved soundstage, quieter, better instrument separation, richness of the sound, and less digital.

I'm trying to eek out the best I can, from what I have.
Not a 'high end' system, but does have a sound I like.

MacBook Pro to...
Halide Bridge USB - SPIDF Converter to...
Beresford SEG Dac (supercapped/reclocked) fed by a supercapped Coherent power supply to...
Audience AU24SX RCAs...
Perreaux R200i to...
Merlin Scorpion speaker cables to...
ATC SCM 19v2
I only have two power points, in a small cupboard.
One for the amp using the Mad Scientist Nitro.
The other has a second Mad Scientist Nitro hard wired to an Eichmann power strip. The MC 0.5 would plug into the Eichmann.

I'm guessing would still have a positive effect.