
Responses from 68pete

Who listens primarily to Redbook CD?
CD and SACD is all i use can do computer audio, but have no reason to 1500 CDs and 100 plus SACDs 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
The 6 MC O5s i add to the 15 on the power line that feeds my Disc player and  Pre amp are sounding very good across the board will add the remaining 6 MC O5s to the 15 i have on the Amp line tomorrow. 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
Hello lakThe Pro Elite RCA connectors can be seen on High Fidelity Face Book page. They are much bigger than the pictures show. Kinda like a stinger missile if you will. I think you will really like the Hemisphere The break in is very long like a ... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
Just picked up 12 more MC O5s at the LA AS  installed 6 of them on one line and will add the other 6 to my amp line next week. The show was great. High Fidelity New Pro Elite RCA interconnect was quite stunning  in looks and sound. At 50lbs per ca... 
Speaker jumpers
I have the B@W Martrix 800 I replaced all of the stock jumpers (3 sets per speaker)  with High Fidelity level 2 jumpers and improved the sound greatly. Before that i changed the stock jumpers for some older Transparent Ref. XL jumpers and only in ... 
good speakers good amp but not really a match 
Who is the WORST Audio Shop?
Sunnys gets my vote. 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
t_rameyHaving the MC O5s on the same outlet that my amp is plugged into was a great step up. It now has 15 MC O5s on the same outlet. Using 2 different 3 to 1 splitters, so it  does not stick out into the room like Ricks does. I have not tried the... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
Hi ddraudtWell i will be adding more MC O5s  in a couple of weeks. Waiting for the speaker cable  adapters to come out. If they look like what they had on their Facebook page i think they will be great. Was told they would be out in June sometime,... 
Amps from the 1980's -- What gear holds up sonically? Reliably?
Still use a Mark Levinson 335 amp 
Has anyone compared Synergistic XOT and XOT Carbon transducers?
I did upgrade from the older XOT to the newer carbon and there was a slight increase in sound for the better.  Not huge just sightly noticeable. 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
mmcelyeaI have 15 on one dedicated 20 amp line for my amp.  17 on a line that feeds my pre amp and disc player. 15 of the MC O5s are plugged into the wall and 2 plugged into my MC 6 Hemisphere that feeds the pre amp and disc player. Grand total of... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
ddraudt No one is allowed to have a extra High Fidelity Pro IC. The Audio Gods will not be happy with you. Send it immediately to me and i will see what i can do for you and the Audio Gods...lolWaiting on your audition with it, i can only dreamenj... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
KnghifiAs i understand it none of the High Fidelity power cords do 20 amp even the pro. 
Big Krells Have Vanished From The Used Market
I like my older Mark Levinson 335 amp