
Responses from 68pete

High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
High Fidelity Cables has posted on Facebook that the speaker adapters should be ready some time in June. With 2 different levels of adapters. The high end adapters will be in the $2,000.00 range and the lower level will be in the $500.00 range. 
Novus 1 as a CD/DVD Cleaner
Hi lakDoes the Novus #2 Work on all CDs-SHM coated SACDs and Blue Ray CDs with no harm? 
This is pretty funny and probably true for most of us
lou-setriodesDoes she have any sisters 
Wife trouble
Wow to much gear so the wife complains, sell the wife, buy more gear 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
Hello  t_rameyHave found they are at their best when plugged in and left alone one spot was better. Each time you move them it will take a little time to settle in where you moved them to. I do not believe moving them around hurts them in any way.... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
Hi lakI think it would depend on the power strip and the power cord. Some power strips add more noise to the power. The power cord would have to be  very short,19 inches or less. With the 2 different 3 to 1 splitters i use i can get 13 MC O5s in a... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
Hi misterbrittYou can use a 3 to 1 splitter and plug them all into the 20 amp outlet that your power conditioner is plugged into. You can even stack the splitters onto of each other to add more MC O5s. I have 13 on my power line that feeds my cond... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
Hello ddraudtHigh Fidelity just made it much harder to choose.  On their Face Book Page they show some pictures of speaker cable adaptors. Not much info on them. I hope they make them for both speaker end and amp end of the speaker cable. I use se... 
Should high-end shops be "OBLIGATED" to advise about component matching for best sound?
I would think a good store would. The better the sound the better they look.Good stores have support, thats how they keep you. 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
Hi ddraudtHow many do you have now? and where are they employed? I will be ordering some more or i may jump into  power cord  not sure yet. Let us know  when you get them in your system and how it sounds.Enjoy Pete 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
Hi knghifiHappy to hear your new MC O5s are working out great for you. AT 28 i have not hit the wall of no diminishing returns. At 13 on my amp power line and another 15 on the line that feeds my front end, there has been no disappointment yet. I ... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
Hello mac48025I have used the MC O5s with PSaudio P10 and for me plugging the MC O5s into the open plugs on the back of the  P10 did not give me great results as plugging them into the same wall socket the P10 was plugged into. I have since them t... 
Separate conductors for separate frequency ranges in cables
Why not just ask Paul at PSaudio for a explanation. I have used several of their power cords over time and they never do not answer my questions.Enjoy Pete 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
Hi knghifiLet us know how your new MC O5 do. If you cook them in a different spot from where you use them it may still take a day or so for them to get up to speed where you use them.enjoy Pete 
Any Recommendations? Southern California Audio Shows & the California Audio Show Oakland
Been to the Newport show 3 times, liked it a lot. Easy access good room for the money. Not sure if i go this year since they moved it to Anaheim, room rates will be hire for equal room or less quality room. plus you will mobbed with the Disneyland...