
Responses from 8th-note

Is it possible to have vinyl nearly noise free?
I've always hated vinyl noise and I've been on a quest for the last 30 years to minimize it. There are quite a few of my precious albums that are in pretty rough shape. I have tried various cleaning methods with mixed results but nothing has been ... 
What is the one piece of advice you would give about attending AXPONA?
Some of the rooms will be crowded nearly all the time. Wait until the end of the day, particularly on Sunday to catch the most popular rooms. People get tired and call it a day a couple hours before the show closes. I had the best listening on Sun... 
Disco...yep, I'm going there
Yeah, disco sucks. How can anyone can like blues; it's just the same chord patterns with the same lyrics over and over. Grunge is a few whiny bands from the same gray town who are pissed off at being alive. Metal? There's no music there, only horm... 
CD ripper
I use db Poweramp and rip to uncompressed FLAC. FLAC is lossless but by ripping to uncompressed files the CPU will have a lighter workload when the files are played. Maybe that will affect the sound, maybe it won't but I have about 4,000 CDs to ri...