
Responses from 8th-note

Half-Speed Masters - are they worth double dipping?
@cleeds I believe you posted a similar comment in a previous thread about vinyl having a wider dynamic range. I've checked the DR Database and I cannot substantiate that claim. Can you provide a few examples of viny releases of the same title havi... 
Is the idea of audiophile listening a dying concept as boomers die off?
Every piece of evidence I see indicates that the audio industry is flourishing. Sales are setting records. New retail locations are opening. Every time I read Stereophile or TAS I learn of another manufacturer that has entered the US market o... 
Which has a greater influence on sound quality, the amp or the preamp?
I agree with @soix . It largely depends on your speakers. If your speakers have low sensitivity along with a difficult impedance curve the amp will make a huge difference. If your speakers go down to 2 ohms or lower with a punishing phase angle th... 
Great Interview-
I had a recording studio where I recorded bands in the Portland, OR area for about 10 years. I got to know a lot of musicians. Many if not most of them wanted to hear my big reference system but not a single one of them said, "Wow, how could I set... 
Digital LP’s
I think one of the main reasons that some audiophiles prefer a vinyl version of a digital recording is that their cartridge has a non-flat frequency response that they like the sound of. Phono cartridges have been used for decades to tune the soun... 
The Horror
I'm fortunate to report that I've had the opposite experience as the OP. I've been to three audio shows and everytime I have come home and been pleasantly surprised to hear how well my system holds up to the megabuck systems at the shows. There ar... 
Non-fatiguing speakers in $10K range?
The Pacific Audio Fest is coming on September 6th. If you can wait that long it would be an excellent opportunity to get a better idea of your options.  
Hardware or source materail
I don't think that a new amp will give you the pleasure of buying collector quality source material. An audiophile record is a joyful thing and you get to repeat the experience with each new title you buy. I have a digital desktop system with a D... 
Your Most Prominent Audio Component
Nice change of pace @bolong . This is interesting stuff to me and I enjoy expanding my knowledge of how things work. A couple of observations: The neuron issue relates to an interesting idea about analog vs. digital. Most audiophiles (I think) be... 
Dirty little secret of Pedigreed, decades old Speaker line - no one will address
I laughed out loud when I read the original post. I'm running a pair of Thiel CS6 speakers from 1996 and they hold up extremely well against most speakers I've heard that cost in the neighborhood of six figures. I haven't seen evidence that newer,... 
I have a couple of points to add. 1) Your Benchmark is one of the best amps ever made and has received rave reviews across the board. It's going to be hard to beat. 2) If you have the itch to experiment with amps I would suggest buying a used tu... 
why expensive streamers
@mikhailark I have ripped my CD collection to uncompressed FLAC using dB Poweramp. I have it on an external drive hooked to my ASUS PC - the same one I use for streaming. I have listened dozens of times with different songs to see if I can hear a ... 
why expensive streamers
@pindac Yes, I think you got my point. But the other point I want to make is that if you listen to a new component without using a control to compare it against, you are highly succeptable to expectation bias. It's interesting that so many people ... 
Help me understand the current amp market
One of the most important things to consider about an amplifier is the impedance and sensitivity demands of your speakers. If you are running a pair of Wilsons or larger Thiels, for example, you need a high powered amplifier that doubles its outpu... 
why expensive streamers
I'm using an ASUS ROG gaming PC as my streamer running Windows 7. I stream from Qobuz. I also have over 4,000 CDs which is my source most of the time. I run USB from the ASUS to my Berkeley Audio Alpha USB which is hooked up to my Berkeley Alpha R...