
Responses from alexberger

Preamp Output Capacitor: Mundorf Supreme vs. Supreme Silver Oil
Teflon is a kind of plastic.Any plastic adds plastic coloration to sound.Even for wires isolation cotton sounds more organic and natural that Teflon. 
Mundorf M-Tube in Tube Amplifier Power Supply
Hi @cortez1t ,Thank you for your advice .Regards,Alex 
Suggestions for higher efficiency speakers
If talking about professional speakers why don't mention Altecs 604 and 605.They wery easy to drive. They work good in midsized room.They are point source speakers as result a very good sounstage.Thay don't have high frequencies and bass extention... 
Mundorf M-Tube in Tube Amplifier Power Supply
Bottom line, I didn't like the sound of my system with Mundorf M-tube capacitors.So I returned Nichicons VZ(M) capacitors back.I leaved one Mundorf M-tube  capacitors on position after rectifier tube, that I have used there for years.First, ... 
Mundorf M-Tube in Tube Amplifier Power Supply
Hi @zipost Thank You a lot !Here are some my system YouTube videos. So, you can get some appreciation about it:,Alex. 
Mundorf M-Tube in Tube Amplifier Power Supply
Hi @zipost ,I use CLCRCRC filter: C1-L-C2-R1-C3-R2-C4C1 is 30uF Mundorf polypropylene. I used it for many years and I like results. I don't want to use bigger capacitor because it is not good for my expansive GEC 5u4g.C2 is 2x 100uF Nichicon - 300... 
Mundorf M-Tube in Tube Amplifier Power Supply
Hi @grannyring ,Yes ClarityCap are great! But I don't have enough space under the hood of my amplifier to put  ClarityCap in drivers (6f6g) and input (6sn7) tubes B+s.So, I decided to try Mundorf Mtube 30uF capacitors in these positions. (I don't... 
Mundorf M-Tube in Tube Amplifier Power Supply
Which store does sale  4-pole Jensen now?Part Conexions and Hificollective don't have them in stock. 
Mundorf M-Tube in Tube Amplifier Power Supply
Hi @zipost ,Thank you for recommendation. Maybe I will try 4-pole Jensen later.But what is wrong with Mundorf M-tubes?There are polypropylene type two-pole type: 
Mundorf M-Tube in Tube Amplifier Power Supply
Hi @grannyring , I installed Mundorf 30uF Mtube capacitors in driver and input tubes B+ instead of old 100uF Nichicons.The first impression was good - warm tonality, fast bass and micro-dynamics.But now I recognize that my amp sounds too forward a... 
Suggestions for higher efficiency speakers
Vintage Altecs (605, 604, Valencia, 19,...) are very high efficiency speakers.You can find some of them on second hand market for less then $2K.Klipsch Heresy also suite your requirements.JBL are not  very high efficiency speakers but higher than... 
Mundorf M-Tube in Tube Amplifier Power Supply
I just added a scheme of power supply update and a general  scheme of my amplifier to "my system" page. 
Mundorf M-Tube in Tube Amplifier Power Supply
Hi,I did  step 2 - removed Nichicon capacitors 2x100uF and 2x20 Ohm resistors (one resistor per channel) between choke and ClarityCap (output B+). I don't like results. Bass become lightweight. As result too light tonal balance andless informatio... 
Mundorf M-Tube in Tube Amplifier Power Supply
Hi @grannyring , Thank you for advice!1. I run these new ClarityCap capacitors for 4 hours with Frubaby2 connected to amplifier input + 5 hour with normal music playing.So far so good. The difference between ClarityCap T600 and Nichicons is very i... 
Mundorf M-Tube in Tube Amplifier Power Supply
Hi @grannyring , Power supply CLC filter in my amplifier is one for both channels.   I use 20 Ohms resistors to separate left and right channel B+.Previously both channel B+s where the same point - the capacitor after the choke. After a break-i...