
Responses from andy2

Speaker cable arrows???
Answer this question. If I have 7 inductors that are L7>L6>L5>L4>L3>L2>L1 that is L7 is greatest and L1 is smallest in that order.Let’s say I put them all in series, starting with L7 and ending with L1 in that order. And run an A... 
Speaker cable arrows???
The difference of "directionality" may be subtle, so you may need some pretty high end system to tell the difference.  For most systems, however, the difference may be too small to be audible.If anything, the arrows serve to let you know the cable... 
IM Distortion, Speakers and the Death of Science
Anyone here trusts your life with a 747 will land on its own?  Or reading your brain scan?  Raise your hands. 
IM Distortion, Speakers and the Death of Science
As I said in my previous post, AI will augment human reasoning and decision making process, but I doubt it will replace it.     
Thiel Owners
It's quite a place for the audiophiles.   
Thiel Owners
thielrules,Thanks for the offer.  I sure will ask for your help.Could you share your thoughts on the software?  Tom will probably be interested in what you think. 
Thiel Owners
Thiels never fail to reproduce naturallyhuman voice, in particular. I would agree with that. On the other hand, higher order speakers tend to have some extra details or trebles on the voice that makes the voice "clearer" but not naturally. When y... 
Thiel Owners
The two examples above are not "subtle" :-) 
Thiel Owners
That's why I think either approach has its merits.  To say one is "better" than the other is missing the point.  As I also said in my previous posts (many posts ago), high-order speakers such as 24db/slope tend to have more "slam" vs. first order ... 
Thiel Owners
jon_5912,I'll let Tom comment with regard to your post.Personally, I think there's a market for both: time-phase coherent and non-time-phase coherent.  There are plus and minus in either approach.  Tom seems to think time-phase coherent is the onl... 
Thiel Owners
Out of curiosity, has anyone here listen to speaker that has been corrected by the program Python rePhase?  I think Tom did mention he had listened to before and after rephase?  Does the sound change at all?The correction done by rePhase can be do... 
IM Distortion, Speakers and the Death of Science
What's interesting is that we have electron microscope that can look at a cell atom by atom, therefore we can know everything we need to know in theory what constitute a cell, the basic architecture of a cell, but nobody has been able to create a ... 
IM Distortion, Speakers and the Death of Science
I understand "in theory", but I mean if someone can point me to a place on Earth that can actually do it - that is able to make a cell that can multiply itself."In theory", since human are made of the same stuffs such as electrons, neutrons, proto... 
IM Distortion, Speakers and the Death of Science
I mean literally can replicate such as a living cell replicating itself.  Maybe the word "replicate" is a wrong chosen word.  I mean "replicate" in a sense of a cell reproducing itself.  It may be able to do in theory, but I mean in a sense of a "... 
IM Distortion, Speakers and the Death of Science
To say a neuron is a "machine" is too simplistic. A living cell can replicate itself. As far as I know, no lab on this world can create a living cell. And no machine in this world can replicate itself - that is able to be re-generative.To say that...