Responses from andy2
Thiel Owners Thiel seemed to have solved that first-order crossover issue in their later designs. Probably due to the use of coax drivers. The high freq./short wavelength xover between the mid and the tweeter is most problematic, but with coax, it's mostly... | |
Bi-Wire with two pairs of speaker cables It also depends on the type of speakers and how it was designed. If you have a small two way monitor, then the difference is probably minor. If you have a three way speaker AND if it was designed such that internally, there is a separate run for... | |
Directional cables - what does that really mean? Pop Quiz! Multiple choice! Hooray!! 🤗More money 💰 than _______ (fill in the blank)a. Tire irons b. Donkeysc. Potatoesd. Asparaguse. Cheese Ballsf. None of the above I had a dream in which I was like Michael J Fox in Back to the Future waking... | |
Directional cables - what does that really mean? It means you paid a lot no doubt for something that is not real. You now have bragging rights but no improvement to speak of for audio. For a moment I thought you were talking about beauty augmentation. | |
Directional cables - what does that really mean? Actually, directionality can be measured - and has been measured. Where’s the data? It has to be actual proven data and not in some guy’s wet dream. Oh, I got it. It's one of those "Top Gun" thing where "I can show you but I have to kill you" ri... | |
Directional cables - what does that really mean? If directionality and "diodes" exist in wire then I should be able to detect pulsating DC on the other end when connected incorrectly. I don't think it will be a simple measurement like you would with discrete components. These diodes, if the... | |
Must be good, it's purple Besides, it's clearly a press release for advertisement purpose and NOT a review. | |
Directional cables - what does that really mean? That’s .....very.....good....Andy. You’re ....very....independent Should I read that from left to right or right to left? | |
Directional cables - what does that really mean? The point is writing for Dummies. Not dummy writing. | |
Directional cables - what does that really mean? Looking forward to Part 2 next week release. I still got my Avengers End Game end of July streaming release on my calendar. | |
Directional cables - what does that really mean? That's it? I thought it would come in a weekly installment like the Bachelor ... er ... I mean the Bachelorette since it's our Kait :-) | |
Do speaker cables need a burn in period? Im comparing mechnical to electrical Actually there is nothing different from "mechanical" and "electrical". They are all made of electrons, protons, neutrals and so on. We human beings are guilty of such categorization that leads to falsif... | |
Directional cables - what does that really mean? Andy, let me explain something to you. Whenever you come here and post a comment and interrupt me, you’re breaking my concentration. You’re distracting me. And it will then take me time to get back to where I was. Understand? Now, we’re going to m... | |
Directional cables - what does that really mean? Part 2 is coming. Will it be a mini-series type? | |
Directional cables - what does that really mean? I can't wait for Part 2. I got enough money for all the booze in the world lols. |