Responses from arafiq
Intg Amps: Hegel 590 vs NAD M33 Masters vs Gryphon Diablo 120 One of the few reviews on H590 which is not all that favorable. He is one of a very tiny list of reviewers I find credible. Was surprised to hear his take on the amp | |
Pairing with LS50 for whole home audio Bluesound offers a great product at an attractive price. They’ve been around and know what they’re doing. No need to stay away 😊 | |
Intg Amps: Hegel 590 vs NAD M33 Masters vs Gryphon Diablo 120 Diablo 300 > Hegel 590 > Diablo 120 NAD doesn't belong in that list, sorry! | |
New Generation Class D - AGD Audion Mkiii upgrade @mahgister Cool story about how you seduced your wife! I had been impressing my wife with similar feats lately ... too bad she found out about ChatGPT! | |
New Generation Class D - AGD Audion Mkiii upgrade This Audion GD is just a Class D circuit stuffed into a KT88 glass envelope. It has zero relation to a real vacuum tube. A clever marketing ploy! Add some LED's for that tube-like glow and the gullible are smitten and like Jay's Iyagi proclaim it... | |
Class D amps that are superior to all or most? IMO, Aavik class D amps (I own the Aavik U-280) are far superior to anything class D I've heard so far. I would have loved to compare it to the new Atmasphere class D amp but since I only have integrated amps, i.e. no preamp, there was no way for ... | |
Aavik U-150, U-180 or U-280 Glad you're enjoying the U-150. I love my U-280 unit -- both the integrated amp and DAC are phenomenal and the best I've heard in my system. The built-in DAC easily surpasses my previous DAC -- Defanfrips Terminator 2 by quite some margin. It's a ... | |
New Generation Class D - AGD Audion Mkiii upgrade @ghdprentice I had a pair of AGD’s in my system and will say they sounded good for the money. There was a bit of lack of refinement on the top end… if I remember correctly. But then I was comparing them to Audio Research Reference 160 mono bloc... | |
Luxman vs Accuphase for Harbeth 40.3 XD @sro +1 I owned the Luxman 590AXII. Amazing amp! Last year I bought the Aavik U-280 (basically, the same integrated amp as I-280 plus a built-in DAC). In my system, it is absolutely one or two levels above Luxman in every way. The only exception... | |
Gustard R26 - good but not the one I previously owned the Chord Qutest, and recently tried the Gustard R26 a couple of months ago. I would take the R26 over Qutest any day of the week and twice a day on Sunday. However, it does need a solid 200+ hours to open up. That's true for mo... | |
Aavik U-150, U-180 or U-280 @oceanandmountains I mostly pair the Aavik with my Joseph Audio Perspective2 speakers and it drives them quite well. I also have Harbeth SHL5+ in the second system but to be honest I only tried them with the Aavik once and that too for a few hours... | |
Aavik U-150, U-180 or U-280 @mwlf -- I have owned the Aavik U-280 for almost a year now and absolutely love it. While I never had the chance to listen to U-150, I did audition I-180 and I-280 with the D-180 DAC. For me, U-280 was the winner over all the other combinations. I... | |
Seeking audition of Tekton Moab, Encore, or Ulfberht speakers in DFW Metroplex area @hilde45 Thanks! Your impressions are not that far off from mine. About 2-3 years ago, I went to audition the Double Impacts at a seller's house. They keyword was 'big'! Big sound, big size, big presence. The seller was running it with a Quicksilv... | |
Seeking audition of Tekton Moab, Encore, or Ulfberht speakers in DFW Metroplex area @hilde45 Just out of curiosity, what was the answer? | |
NAD M10 V2 for Harbeth P3ESR? P3esrs really shine when fed with more power and current. FW amps, as fabulous as they are, won’t do justice to these amazing little speakers. Incidentally, I tried the NAD M10 with the same speakers and didn’t care for the pairing. Just not music... |