Responses from artemus_5
Better Sounding Systems, Objectivists or Subjectivists? It would seem that the objectivists 1st priority is to make sure the measurements are correct. Thus the measurements inform them that the system sounds good, NOT the system's sound itself. | |
Will I Hear A Difference? I'd say yes, you will hear a difference. You are not on just beginning "your analog journey". You are also at the beginning of the line with the table & phono preamp. Just looking at price alone shows the EAT @ 3 times the price of the most ex... | |
What say you? I would also add that this video is a balanced approach to cable buying and system building IMO. Its also the approach I took in building mine. Maybe that's why I agree đ | |
Next MC Cartridge Advice/Recommendations +1 @lewm & @rauliruegas I owned the benz Ebony L which I believe is a tier down from the LPS. It was very good, IMO. Smooth warm detailed presentation I got the itch and replaced it with a Zyx 4D. Even better than the Ebony L. It just dug o... | |
What say you? The video is titled "This high-end dealer doesnât recommend expensive cables" This is what Andy Singer said at the 2:45 mark of the video "The end of the story is that cables are very important and the better the cables you can get, the better ... | |
BT input to equalizer This should help you find one that is suitable and will probably be as much help as anything else you could add  equalizer app | |
Soundsmith Strain Gauge @millercarbon  One question. Is the stylus replaceable? I suspect it is since that is their main business. But Iâd hate to have to replace the cartridge after 2k hrs. | |
The best audio tweak is a soft bristled paint brush... Every house painter that I have seen carries an old brush to use as a "duster"Â I too have used one for years to dust off every piece of equipment. Great to get between tubes in your amp or in crevices in the TT, or just the platter. Yes indeed, a... | |
Bully pulpits @thecarpathian I wouldn't have to shout IF I could use larger letters. I wanted it to get attention. It worked. Just like deleting posts which disagree works. And if you think a bully just shouts, I suspect you have never encountered one. many o... | |
Bully pulpits Bully pulpits GREAT TOPIC, COMPLETE WITH DELETED POSTS THAT DISAGREE WITH THE PREMISE PUT FORTH. BRAVO, YOU BRAVE INTELLECTUAL HEAVYWEIGHTS! BRAVO! And you wonder WHY there is such great division and no compromise?  Let the games continue | |
House Wiring Does Make a Difference! @teo_audio Donât you fools know that science can only be done on paper and must come out of a textbook?  Did you post to the wrong thread. Your posts are usually well reasoned but this one doesn't seem to fit here | |
House Wiring Does Make a Difference! @toddalin Thanks for the info. Yes, NOS doesn't necessarily surprise me. Things were much more versitle in earlier yrs. I was a builder/carpenter for most of my life. I don't remember the 4 holes per side but the picture doesn't lie. I know that... | |
Products you added to your system in 2021 that made most impact to your music enjoyment Just bought a TriPlanar tonearm MkVll with all the factory upgrades . Most of my upgrades were done in 2019-20 consisting of CJ CT5 preamp Don Sachs Kootenay 120 amp Pure Power tech filter & mats Core power 1800 balanced power conditioner... | |
750$ Intel NUC vs $6000 Aurender N200: I don't hear the difference I have nothing to add except to say thanks for the thread. I was not aware of the NUC. But it looks quite interesting. Though Iâm new to streaming and have finally figured out the program for the streamer I would welcome a switch to an OS that is ... | |
House Wiring Does Make a Difference! @toddalin Good move. I just have one question. Where did you find outlets that would accept 8 ga wire? Also hospital grade outlets are better. But you might want to try Oyaide R1 outlets. A little expensive but trounced my Hosp grade outlet. I ... |