

Responses from artemus_5

lack of bass
@suhila. You say" i must say that the tracks were taken from the web so i dont know how good they are."Maybe you are listening to Mp3 tracks which are 128 , 192 kbps. ? That what it sounds like to me. Mp3's cut at that rate often sound anemic in ... 
My system sounds better than ever.......Yet, I STILL bought another preamp!!
@millercarbon Indeed all those things come into play. It is a celebration. But I've always been curious about man's actions....especially those which seem inconsistent.To the rest: Its good to be in such good company 
My system sounds better than ever.......Yet, I STILL bought another preamp!!
@dweller  Thanks for putting the positive spin on it.  You are right in that I wanted to know what more tubes will do. And when my wife asks why, I'll inform her that I am a scientist (I didn't think of that before) 
Best Buy & Walmart also have vinyl now. Both just throw the albums in the rack willy nilly w/o alphabetizing them.  So if you are looking for a particular artist/album, you have to look through all of them. I walked out.  
Should I upgrade my system while losing my hearing?
@2psyop I plan on getting the hearing taken care of soon. Like you say, it improves quality of life. If music sounds better, then that's a plus.  
Should I upgrade my system while losing my hearing?
@goldilocks The music sounds fine to me. I know about the hearing loss only from TV conversations which I cannot understand. 
Should I upgrade my system while losing my hearing?
FWIW the hearing loss is a relatively new thing.I had a hearing test 10-12 yrs ago and was in the normal range.  I only recently noticed that I can't hear the conversation on TV as well as I used to do. And yes, I will take care of it.. .....thoug... 
Carver Crimson 275 tube amp
I'll be Interested in the findings between the 2 amps. 
Carver 275 Crimson tube amp --- any feedback appreciated
@ozzy . Back in the 80's I went to audition the Carver Amazing loudspeakers which were heavily promoted. The salon had a carver system w/ a  preamp with holographic imaging. Long story short...it was awful. My son and I were both shocked that a hi... 
Ahhh--Problem solved. Adding a REL sub-bass unit...
Some of the best Money I've ever spent was on 2 Sumiko S-10 subs. I had a Rel storm which was not big enough to take care of the 5k cu ft room adequately. It sounded good but the two sibs are much better. I considered other brands but the Rel had ... 
Best vinyl purchases based on pressing, studio production, sound quality and enjoyment.
Analogue Production Skynyrd  catalog is very good. Gimme Back My Bullets on 45 is awesome as is the "Nothin Fancy" on 33. I was always let down by the OP of the Skynyrd catalog. AP has fixed that. 
The quest for the hot stamper or is it a myth
ATDAITTADMN.All the damn acronyms in this thread are driving me nuts. 
What is the fascination?
Cleeds. Here is the  thread about building great turntable at a low cost.Notice that this is the second thread about building cheap TT. The first had already gone viral.https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/building-high-end-tables-cheap-at-home-... 
What is the fascination?
Nor am I dissing older models. I've had many of them in my sixty years of spinning vinyl. But I've been here a long time and remember the turning point. If someone is willing to do the refurb on an older table then they will save some money 
What is the fascination?
Imo, $$$. The whole craze started when a post went viral about making a great TT for$100 spent at Home Despot. One yr later a 50 dollar TT sold for$4-500. Now that$100 is selling for many thousands of dollars. So it must be good... Right?First it ...