

Responses from atmasphere

Our we Lazy?
Ease of use vs performance has been with humans for a long time. Its still not a good excuse though. If the goal of this hobby is to get as close to the recorded sound as possible, then ease of use issues have to be tolerated in that quest, to som... 
why does preamp improve sound quality?
OK- Here's how the preamp line stage should function. The problem is that the interconnect cable has electrical parameters, capacitance for the most part, that interacts with the signal. The higher the impedance, particularly of the source, the gr... 
why does preamp improve sound quality?
One thing that no-one seems to be mentioning is that the line section of a preamp also has to control the interconnect cable. The better they do this is often also part of the measure of quality a preamp can portray. Passive controls do not contro... 
tube amplifier auto bias- accurate?
Hi Eldartford, actually semiconductors are nice for self bias as they allow for a higher operating voltage. Since the bias voltage for the power tubes is usually developed across a cathode resistor, that means that the B+ available was the power s... 
tube amplifier auto bias- accurate?
My 2 cents: There's a bit of confusion here about autobias and self bias. Self Bias has been around for decades and has been used by many manufacturers over the years.Autobias is a modern varient of Fixed bias. Fixed bias is the correct way of say... 
Amps with high voltage?
Electrostatic speakers are not driven well by an amplifier that makes constant voltage with respect to load (i.e. most transistor amplifiers). This is because the impedance variation in ESLs is not due to the resonance of the speaker (where the co... 
the 4 ohm rating
Did he try a tube clock radio? They do sound better you know. After you change the filter caps and the coupling caps. Custom wire and resistors are nice too. 
Yes remasters/ HDCD
Some of the early posts to this thread mention Close to the Edge; for those of you still playing LPs, the trick is to somehow find the original British press, K50012 on Atlantic. The label has the green and red colors similar to the American press... 
the 4 ohm rating
Sorry for the long response:Many speaker designers feel that speakers are 'voltage driven' and thus design speakers around that idea. This allows for a speaker to have dual woofers (in parallel for 4 ohms) and thus the amp will produce twice as mu... 
Tenor Audio
I spoke to the gentlemen at Tenor some years back at CES. Very nice people and very respectful. The designer knew who I was and told me precisely what was in the amp.Its no secret that the amplifier uses a Circlotron in the same manner that we pio... 
Dead Can Dance's Into the Labyrinth
Hey Albert, did you ever find any vinyl by the Eden, a group from Australia? They did two albums I've been able to find that sound very much like early DCD, although more on the ambient side, including harmonic singing. I like the 2nd LP the best.... 
Tenor Audio
Yes, you are right. Rushton was not suggesting that it is identical to what we make now. It is however nearly if not identical to one that we used to use back in the 80s although we didn't use the 6C33 as it was not available in the US back then.J... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Dude, that's awesome. It'd be nice to hear that again. 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Hi Albert,My copy of Big Map Idea was one that disappeared at CES two years ago when my LPs were stolen.Tonights selection:John Renborn Group- The Enchanted GardenGrowing- The Soul of the Rainbow and the Harmony of LightDoves- The Last BraodcastBr... 
Tenor Audio
In the meantime, we'll be happy to help out with service. Its a circuit we're pretty familiar with :)