
Responses from audiobugged

What tube preamp with Bryston 7bst? Please?
Running a BAT VK-3i w/ my Bryston 7B-ST's via Harmonic Tech Pro-silway II XLR's.Orgasmic sonics w/ every style of music played! This is the end of the road for me! Honestly!!! 
Bryston 4B gets HOT. Should I leave it on?
Yes Hugh, send it in for service!I run a pair of 7B-ST's & after a 2-4 hour listening session they only get warm to the touch. I would stop running it, you may wind up doing more damage if you don't. 
Which Sub Woofer is good for my 2 channel system
Dave, I guess your keeping your Signature 805's now??? 
Which Sub Woofer is good for my 2 channel system
At 12' x 16' I wouldn't go to the point of running 2 subs! I own 2 Rel Starta II's that I run w/ B& W's in my 34' x 16' room & yes 2 subs do wonders for a room of this size. IMO the Rel is the better sub as far a music is concerned. 
Birdland Odeon Ag DAC - how good is it??
Call Paul @ "Ultra Systems" a Birdland authorized distributor located in New Hope, Pa. I spoke with him last week, as the Odeon Ag is on my list also!They have a loaner/trial w/ the reclocker which they will ship so you can try it out in your own ... 
12" or so monitor stands
The Lovan Jazz are 18" tall, they do have a 600 series which is 6" tall. Bob at Sound Anchors would make any type of stand you need. 
Which Sub Woofer is good for my 2 channel system
A REL STRATA II will blend well with the 805's, & should also work well with your room dimensions. Check older threads for more info. Good Luck! 
Thinking of getting a BAT VK 5I
I 2nd Rlb61, I also own a VK-3i w/ a phono stage & remote. I see no need, nor have any future desire to upgrade to a VK-5i. Thanx Rlb61 for the Tube swap info!!! 
what this site needs ...
IS AN ENEMA? Sorry I couldn't resist:)~ 
Amp Selection Assistance Needed
All 3 of your choices will sound grand with your N804's! (B&W hasn't re-introduced the 200 series in a Nautilus version?) There are plenty of old threads on Agon asking about N804 & Amp. matching. Good Luck! 
New Guy asking for help
So your the guy who pluged in his Pass X1000 monoblocks into a 2 prong non-grounded outlet of a house with a 60 amp. fuse service & caused the NY & Canadian power Black Out?Kublakhan, Are you sure it's a smallish listening room, or maybe j... 
New Guy asking for help
Kublakhan what was going through your head when you decided to Slap us with this sympathetic thread? "New Guy" that's a good one!!! LMAOP.S. To all Newcomers to this hobby, the recommendations made above are posted with some twisted sense of humor... 
New Guy asking for help
It won't work since you have a Ceiling, & a NON-Unusual Room! O.K. but you didn't mention any Floor?Therefore I recommend Ceiling mounting all your equipment. 
Coolest color for Wilson Watt/Puppy 7 ?
Cytocycle, Gosh I'd love to see those Pics too!!! 
A Tough Question
Albertporter, Would you feel better if we all get together & hang Brad Pitt from a ceiling with chains like the Bose 901 fad? Gosh Brad's girlish screaming, might actually sound better that the Bose 901's reproduction of female vocals?