
Responses from audiobugged

Room size for B & W Nautilus 802
I.M.O. - would sound better if you Bi-amp w/ 2 4B-St's, then bridging them into 700 wpc monos. 
Room size for B & W Nautilus 802
Well I have seen them listed on here in rooms as small as 10'x10', which I feel you have to go outside the room to change your mind. My listening room is 34' x 16' & I was running B&W N803's w/ 2 Rel Strata III driven w/ Bryston 7B-ST's. I... 
Sub sugestions for B&W CDM-9NT?
If your looking for a HT sub go w/ the ASW CDM.For music Rel's will blend nicely. 
Birdland Odeon Ag DAC - how good is it??
I'll have to retract my praise for Paul @ Ultra Systems, as he wouldn't honor the price on the Birdland he quoted me.I second Bigkidz, as I bought one off Anthony Perrota at Perrota Consulting. Anthony is a very easy guy to deal with, friendly, he... 
Cd players with variable output?
The Cary 306/200 is available variable out also. The Sony XA7's little brother the Cdp-Xa20Es sounds better than the Xa7 direct to the amp. Then there's the sweet ol'e Denon Dvd-5000, which was in Stereophiles associated equipment stable for years... 
Using RCA & XLR connections at same time on Amp
I'm doing the same w/ Bryson 7b-st's, I think you should be O.K. w/ your Pass. Yet just to be on the save side I would take good ol'e UncleJeff's advice. Call or email Nelson Pass & see? Good luck! 
Need thoughts on splitting CD's output signal
Todd, Your going to need a pair of Audioplex Technology "Buffy"Passively Buffered "Y" Connector 1 Male RCA Plug to 2 Female RCA Jacks You would then connect your interconnects to the Y's. If you can't find them in the UK, contact me I have 1 - 3 p... 
Is there any obvious advantage for monoblocks?
Shorter speaker cable runs too! 
Using RCA & XLR connections at same time on Amp
So your just reaching behind the amp, & switching from a Xlr connected system, to a Rca connected system. Sure this works, 2 systems all on one amp with just a flick of a switch. Bypass a preamp w/ the 39 & connect right into the amp via v... 
B&W asw 300 or 500 for music with DM302s ?
Find a used 70 w.p.c. ASW-500, they sell as low as $190.00 & will work well down to 32khz. 
Music Hall MMF 9 compared to ?
Hello Dave,From all I've read there is no difference in sound between the mmf-9 & mmf-7. If Music Hall plug & play is what your after, save your monies go for the mmf-7. If you have a mmf-9 budget, save a tad bit more, & go for a Vpi S... 
People who are Irrationally Afraid of tube amps
Seriously, tube equipment has a major advantge over solid-state. And yes, I guess it could be scarry for a novice? With SS you can only tinker so much with different interconnects where with tubes you can really tailor a entrirely different sound ... 
People who are Irrationally Afraid of tube amps
He said, she said
He says: Honey sit on it while I play some Rap.She says: OOH, YA, WOW, WHOH, OH GOD, BABY I like that in the bedroom.She says: Sweetie do they make a Bigger One?She says: Can I use the bedroom system while your at work, & out of town???He says... 
A real dumb Tube question
Slappy, where you an only child? Did you not get a lot of attention as a younger Slap? Does your future misses Slappy not spend quality time with your little Slapper? YES TUBES GLOW!!! And before you post another thread "DO TUBES GET HOT"? YES!!!P...