Responses from audiokinesis
Best new loudspeaker Hi Techmachine,You may be new here but obviously you're no newbie. You mentioned the big SoundLabs and the big MBL Radialstrahlers as "the finest representatives of their specific technologies". I'd have a hard time arguing against you on that.The... | |
SS Pre-Amp / Tube Amp In my opinion, the speakers enter into the picture.In many if not most systems, the most important component pairing is speaker and amplifier. If the speaker works best with a tube amp, then that's the place to have tubes in your system. From ther... | |
An alternative to powered sub woes? AS1963, I posted a somewhat detailed reply to your inquiry on Audio Asylum.Briefly, I'm not sure that your sub's crossover filter is steep enough to blend well with your Sonus Fabers. Also, equalization can correct the frequency response for one l... | |
I Ordered a Pair of SP Tech Speakers Agear, I appreciate being included on your list. It's an honor just to be mentioned between the same parentheses as those guys.Duke | |
Classical speakers that do violins well?? Mrtennis,You may be right - come to think of it I measured the dip on the 3.6, not the 1.6. It was subtle, averaging maybe 1 dB or so. Overall though, my impression of the 1.6 is different from yours for whatever reason. Have you tried adding "win... | |
Classical speakers that do violins well?? Pubul57, the 1.6 would indeed sound very nice on strings and most things. There is of course some trade-off, and I think you probably nailed it - they don't dig down real deep. On the other hand, their pitch definition in the lower registers is su... | |
Classical speakers that do violins well?? If you are able to accomodate them, I think Maggie 1.6's would do what you are asking for. In my opinion Aragons and Maggies are an excellent combination. Duke | |
The Anatomy of the Acapella Violon - shocking find Keith aka Amfibius, "isobaric" means constant-pressure. It can be accomplished by many different internal geometries, and does not require that the internal woofer be fed the same signal as the outer woofer. I used to build 'em. The very-close-cou... | |
I Ordered a Pair of SP Tech Speakers Spenceroo, I agree that there are not many competitors to SP Tech that use waveguide technology.KEF and Pioneer TAD Home Audio and Tannoy and Gradient and Nomad (and probably a few others that I can't remember offhand) use coaxial drivers where th... | |
The Anatomy of the Acapella Violon - shocking find Amfibius, thanks for the link to the photos. I can't tell much more about the woofer from the photos, unfortunately - I was hoping it would be identical to something in the Madisound catalor.Eyeballing the crossover I see two notch filters and a c... | |
The Anatomy of the Acapella Violon - shocking find Keith,Thanks for the information. I think the woofer system you have is what would be called a "sealed isobaric". It has been twentysomething years since I worked on an isobaric system. Basically, the inner woofer dances in sync with the outer woo... | |
The Anatomy of the Acapella Violon - shocking find Let me see if I understand: The woofer that faces the outside world has a 450 Hz first order crossover, but the inner woofer has no crossover. Is this correct?Are these woofers identical?The crossover on the outer woofer - what does it consist of?... | |
Least sensative speaker to placement MBLs and other omnis do not work well that close to the wall in my opinion. Let me explain:In general, early-arriving reflections are undesirable. The can cause coloration, image-skewing, and degradation of clarity. On the other hand, late-arrivin... | |
I Ordered a Pair of SP Tech Speakers I've heard SP Tech speakers several times, and I think they are excellent. In my opinion Bob Smith starts out with an exceptionally intelligent concept and then he really does his homework on getting the details right. In particular, he did a firs... | |
Help- why do my Definitive Tech BP7001's sound Bad I don't have any experience with the Def Tech BP7001s, but do have some experience with dipolar and bipolar speakers that might be applicable.Briefly, the ear does not like early reflections but it does like late-arriving reflections. The ballpark... |