
Responses from audiokinesis

In-line xover question
Thank you, Syndeysophia, and very best of luck to you. I have no experience with the NHT unit, but that might well be a more ideal solution.Duke 
Small, tube-friendly speaker suggestions needed
Just curious - what do you not like about Reference 3a speakers? I'm not very familiar with them, but see them recommended quite often to people in your situation.How large can the stand-mount speaker be and still work for you?Is there any particu... 
Cost no Object but Small Room
Omnis, dipoles, bipoles, and polydirectional speakers work best when they can be set up such that the onset of side-wall and rear-wall reflections reaches the listener's ears at least 10 milliseconds after the first-arrival sound. The 10 milliseco... 
In-line xover question
Hello Sydneysophia,Thanks for replying.Okay, when doing a crossover I try to get a symmetrical slope on both sides of the crossover frequency. In my opinion, this applies to subwoofers as well. The Velodyne HGS-10 has a second-order (12 dB per oct... 
What speakers can b considered as world reference?
Drew,Enjoyed reading your post. If I might comment on one thing - Earl Geddes' speaker was called the "Summa" (as in "summa cum laude"), so you were very close there. Earl is no longer building the Summa, but has sold the rights to a Thailand-base... 
In-line xover question
A plug-in high-pass filter like you describe will roll off the bottom end of your main speakers at 6 dB per octave (it's a capacitor selected with the amplifier's input impedance and desired rolloff point in mind). Whether or not it will help get ... 
cat jl3 signatures vs. atmashere ma2III's
Hello Optarchie,I just spoke with Tierry Budge's distributor, Todd Waldron, who told me that the impedance curve for the Fremont stays between 6.5 ohms and 10 ohms. That is extremely impressive and good news as far as OTL amp matching goes (I'm an... 
Amp for Quad ESL 57
Franks,I drove a pair of Quad 57's with an S-30 a few years ago. Since I'm a dealer for the latter I'll refrain from editorializing too much and just say that yes, it can be done.For stacked Quads driven in parallel, in my opinion the S-30's outpu... 
Report from Rocky Mountain AudioFest
Hello Turbofc3s,I heard The Red Speakers in room 9014 and liked them quite a bit. They were very dynamic and open-sounding, and I didn't hear anything that sounded "wrong" and spoiled the illusion. I wanted to stay longer in your room, but had ver... 
RMAF: My favorites, so-so's, and disappointments
Jig,Wow thanks - I'll show Lori your post! I recently became an Emerald Physics dealer, but have only heard the CS2 at RMAF as I'm still waiting for my demo pair. Probably not fair for me to comment, but I guess you can read in between the lines m... 
RMAF: My favorites, so-so's, and disappointments
Jig,The Pulserod by SonicWeld was indeed superb in my opinion as well. I have heard it a couple of times before and it was very good but didn't really drop my jaw to the floor like it did this time. Designer Josh Heiner told me that he'd made nume... 
subwoofers and panels don't mix
Mrtennis, I will not be exhibiting in Las Vegas in January, though I plan to ogle & schmooze so we might bump into one another in the hallway. That show is geared towards manufacturers and dealers finding one another, and frankly I'm not looki... 
subwoofers and panels don't mix
Thanks for the information, Mrtennis. I appreciate your taking the time to call Magnepan. You know, maybe just maybe having a reviewer interested enough to call 'em up will help push the project forward.If you'll be at RMAF, it would be nice to se... 
subwoofers and panels don't mix
Harry Pearson and RF Gumby got very, very different results with the Carver subwoofer mated to Maggies. I suspect that neither one is deaf, and that neither one is incompetent, and that neither one is dishonest. So, what happened?Different room ac... 
subwoofers and panels don't mix
Mrtennis,As a SoundLab dealer, for many years I believed that cones could not possibly blend well with panels. But is it panels and cones that sound so different from one another, or is it really dipoles and monopoles? I've spent time with maybe a...