Responses from audiokinesis
How high do subs go Hi Pedrillo,In my opinion if you're crossing over that high you should have stereo subwoofers, and you should place them symmetrically near the main speakers.I certainly don't have a vast knowledge of all that's available in the subwoofer world. T... | |
For HT, how important is extension south of 20 Hz? Thanks for the responses. And Bulldogger, do I know you? When I was in New Orleans there was at least one active audio club member from Gretna...Just curious, Bulldogger - what subwoofer(s) do you use for movies now?Thanks,Duke | |
Getting rid of harsh, shrill treble I agree with Shadorne that the problem is most likely in the speakers. It may be caused by the metal cone (about which he knows more than I do), it may be a radiation patten discontinuity in the crossover region (my theory), it may be inadequate c... | |
Any thoughts on coaxial speakers,for S.E.T. amps Coaxial configurations have some advantages over the more common physically separate woofer and high frequency driver. The most obvious is that the drivers are essentially coincident - that is, they radiate from pretty much the same point in space... | |
Anyone know how good MHDT Labs Paradisea DAC is? I have shown with the Paradisea at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest and again at T.H.E Show in Las Vegas. I have no connection to MDHT Labs other than being a satisfied e-bay customer. But I'm also dealer, so my showing with something that I don't se... | |
Soundwave properties, looking for answers. Stopping bass transmission is not easy. I presume you share a wall with your neighbor. Mechanical transmission through the wall is one route. If you share a heating or cooling system with your neighbor, acoustic transmission through the heating or... | |
Wilson watt puppy 6 vs. Sophia? My personal preference is the Sophia, but I've owned neither.Duke | |
Advantages of multiplying drivers? It's counter-intuitive, but two horizontally stacked drivers (playing the same signal) will have a narrower radiation pattern in the vertical plane than just one would. The designer can measure or fairly reliably calculate what the pattern will lo... | |
Do dealers believe in their products? "Vocation kills avocation. It always happens. If the endless flow of product doesn't wear you down, the customers surely will. After a while it's all just business."That may be true in many or even most cases, but I think that "always" and "surely... | |
Using two subs The advantage to using two subs is this: A single subwoofer will give you a unique pattern of reflection-related peaks and dips depending on where you place the sub and where the listening position is. These peaks and dips will be large enough and... | |
One or two subwoofers? Hello Lavoy,If sound quality over a large listening area is your top priority, consider using two (or more) small subwoofers. This will not give you the loudest deepest possible bass for your dollar, but there are acoustic issues that can be addre... | |
Do dealers believe in their products? I wouldn't be a dealer unless I could sell stuff I genuinely believe in. It's too darn much work and drudgery otherwise, and there are other industries where that much drudgery pays much better wages.Would you invest thousands of dollars of your o... | |
Wife/girlfriend or audio: if you had to chose? Well... it might depend on whether Duchess delivered it as a request, or an ultimatum. I don't take kindly to ultimatums, but then she's long since figured that out.Since I'm a home-based dealer, the message would also be "git up off yo' wuthless ... | |
jm labs focal vs definitive technology These two speaker lines are quite different in philosophy and execution. Part of the journey of audio is coming to know yourself, and this is one of those times where "what do you like" looms larger than "which one is best". Let me ask you this: I... | |
Can room treatment improve bass accuracy? I do not think the 5-sided box will work.The bass wavelengths are simply too long to "see" the box and be contained by it. For instance, at 40 Hz the wavelenghs are 28 feet long. Those wavelengths simply will not be significantly affected by featu... |