Responses from audiokinesis
Stolen SoundLabs - just in case... Thank you all for your words of encouragement and your excellent suggestions. I will be watching Craiglist and Ebay and putting on my disguise and posing as a customer if they show up. The cops drove me around Barstow truck stops and other seclude... | |
$40.000 speaker advise. Check out my list From your list:1. Avalon. The designer does an excellent job of getting good power response out of his speakers. If I were going to carry an ultra-high-end "conventional" speaker, Avalon would be among my top choices. 2. Either Sonus Faber or Rock... | |
Looking for the next best thing? Underground welco Hi Joman,Thanks for the kind words. I think some extra keystrokes may have crept into your last line - perhaps what you meant to say was "Duke is also a human being."I have one pair of my speakers in the basement right now, so does that qualify as... | |
solution for a very bright room? Desoto,With a fairly live room (which is what I prefer), my inclination is towards speakers with uniform directivity over as much of the spectrum as is practical. This is because the tonal balance will be dominated by the reverberant energy in the... | |
solution for a very bright room? Agree with Kr4 - expect some improvement from equalization and/or signal processing but acoustic problems often call for acoustic solutions, especially if you're looking for improvement over a wide range of listening positions.For instance if you ... | |
speakers that have time aligned drivers like Josep I don't think Joseph Audio uses time-alignment of their drivers (there is more to it than just getting the voice coils equidistant from the listener, and I'm not sure any Joseph Audio models even do that). Nor do they use a linear phase crossover ... | |
More speaker or more power If you want a large increase in headroom, more efficient speakers is probably the way to go.Let's say you'd like 6 dB more headroom. You can get that from a fourfold increase in amplifier power, or by going from 86 dB speakers to 92 dB speakers. N... | |
Horns vs Ribbons vs Dyanamic Hi Ledhed, Sorry this reply is so late - I just now checked this thread again.The single-driver speaker with great imaging was the Supravox 215-2000 EXC, and 8" field-coil-magnet driver from France. Unlike most fullrange drivers, it has no wizzer ... | |
3 way vs. 2 way "When the dealer became the dealer, the sky didn't open and the angels didn't come down with a set of Golden Ears."Egads man, you've totally exposed me and my fellow bottom-feeders!Seriously, Mcpody, you are absolutely correct - "dealer" doesn't m... | |
3 way vs. 2 way I'd say try your Mirages in the new room first. You might need to diffuse the rear-firing drivers' radiation somewhat if the wall is too close. As far as how many "ways" a speaker should have, I look at other things first. How many "ways" is a des... | |
Horns vs Ribbons vs Dyanamic First of all, there are exceptions to any generality put forward about this or that type of loudspeakers. And often it is these exceptions to the rule that are the most exciting.Horn systems: These typically use a horn-loaded high frequency compre... | |
most accurate loudspeakers.... In my opinion the goal is to recreate as closely as possible the illusion of a live performance, and this implies taking psychoacoustics into account. Just because something can be easily measured doesn't mean it's relevant. If low-order harmonic ... | |
New Orleans, La. I used to be in the New Orleans Audio Club, but live too far away now. Try contacting "robert_krist [at] yahoo [dot] com". Robert is the club president. If that doesn't work, call National Television on Jefferson Highway and tell 'em Duke sent ya.... | |
Tube amps and speaker ohms Ha! Bartokfan, Duke WISHES he built those SoundLab panels! Nope, that's the work of a much much more advanced designer and manufacturing team than yours truly.Tvad has described what I do well enough that there's no need to elaborate.Thanks,Dukede... | |
Tube amps and speaker ohms On the topic of loudspeaker impedance and crossover complexity, "simpler" doesn't necessarily translate into "easier to drive". It is quite possible that elements in the circuit that add to the visual complexity are smoothing the impedance curve, ... |