
Responses from audiokinesis

What SOLID STATE preamp recommended for the JC-1?
Agree with Bryceeboy that the Blowtorch is superb, and the way to go if you can swing it. However, for quite a bit less money, the GamuT C2R is a very nice unit. I'm a dealer for the Parasound JC-1's as well as for GamuT.Best of luck in your quest... 
Pre-Amp for Parasound JC-1
Bryceeboy,I second your recommendation of the Atma-Sphere preamp. I'm a dealer for the Parasound JC-1's as well as Atma-Sphere, and it's a sweet synergy. Duke 
Counterpoint NPS + Soundlab Electrostats
Hello Somut,I have no first-hand experience with the Counterpoint NPS amplifiers, but don't see the low damping factor mentioned by Mejames as a serious concern in this case. With many speakers that might be an issue, but the Sound Labs work prett... 
Am i missing some good and lifelike speakers ?tks
Hello Ad10685,First the disclaimer: I'm a Sound Lab owner and dealer, and former Quad 63 owner. I'm familiar with both the Dynastats and M2's, and frankly the M2's are in a significantly higher league. I'd probably pick the Quad 988 or 989 over th... 
Which is better - Maggie 20.1 or Soundlab M-1?
Okay let's start out with the disclaimers - I'm a Sound Lab owner and dealer. I've owned several different Maggies, and I've auditioned the 20's but not the 20.1's. So please take my post with a grain of salt (or two!).The Maggie 20's will be a li... 
High efficency monitors for ASL Waves?
You might consider the Omega Super 3's. Retail $530 a pair ballpark. 94 dB sensitivity, single-driver, honest 8 ohm load. Very nice at low and medium volume levels, but they do get a bit stressed if you really pound 'em. Long break-in time (typica... 
Gilmore Audio planars revealed
Hello Metralla -Thanks for taking the time to write back and clarify your stadium wave post. I'm a bit slow sometimes, and didn't understand that the point you were making was about the particles returning to equilibrium position, which of course ... 
Gilmore Audio planars revealed
Planar,I'll take a shot at some of your questions, though I don't have answers for all of them. 1. horizontal dispersion. you say -3dB at 60 degrees dispersion (plus or minus 30 degrees, for those reading). At what frequency?a: The horizontal radi... 
Gilmore Audio planars revealed
I've been out of town and/or very busy the past couple of weeks, so just now got back to this thread.Sellerwithintegrity, I apologize for mistakenly typing "3 mil" as the thickness of the kapton diaphragms; of course it should have been ".3 mil". ... 
Best OTL speakers
In general, OTL's like high impedance loudspeakers of fairly high efficiency. Eight ohms is usually okay, but many "8 ohm" speakers dip well below 8 ohms in the upper bass or at crossover frequencies. Also, since OTL's have a high output impedance... 
Best midranges...
The ultimate midrange driver from 120 Hz to 3 kHz might well be a good pair of original Quads (the "57's"). Add a big dipole woofer or two for the bottom end and maybe a nice ribbon for the high treble, and you're pretty much set.The requirement t... 
Monitor with good midrange dispersion-
I don't have a specific suggestion for an under-$1000 monitor with wide midrange dispersion, but let me toss out some things to look for.Dispersion pattern at any given frequency is largely a function of driver diameter. The smaller the driver dia... 
Sound Lab M-1 as L/R Mains in 2 Channel/HT System?
Hello Fernando,Thanks for your kind words. I had a great time meeting you and Kevin, and thanks for the Leonard Cohen disc! Sound Lab's center channel speaker unfortunately isn't voiced the same as their big full-range panels. It works very well w... 
Side firing bass designs - Pros & Cons?...
Sean - Thanks for posting the AR 9 owner's manual link! Great info in the room acoustics section. Methinks the folks at AR tore a page from the back of Roy Allison's notebook.Another speaker that used a room-boundary-conscious woofer system design... 
No Bi-Amp but tubes for Maggies -- can it be done?
Well I hope you don't mind a dealer jumping at the chance to blow his horn about a product he peddles, but the Wolcott tube amps are superb on Maggies. They ain't cheap, though; fortunately, used ones show up from time to time. I was once told by ...