Responses from audiokinesis
What SOLID STATE preamp recommended for the JC-1? Agree with Bryceeboy that the Blowtorch is superb, and the way to go if you can swing it. However, for quite a bit less money, the GamuT C2R is a very nice unit. I'm a dealer for the Parasound JC-1's as well as for GamuT.Best of luck in your quest... | |
Pre-Amp for Parasound JC-1 Bryceeboy,I second your recommendation of the Atma-Sphere preamp. I'm a dealer for the Parasound JC-1's as well as Atma-Sphere, and it's a sweet synergy. Duke | |
Counterpoint NPS + Soundlab Electrostats Hello Somut,I have no first-hand experience with the Counterpoint NPS amplifiers, but don't see the low damping factor mentioned by Mejames as a serious concern in this case. With many speakers that might be an issue, but the Sound Labs work prett... | |
Am i missing some good and lifelike speakers ?tks Hello Ad10685,First the disclaimer: I'm a Sound Lab owner and dealer, and former Quad 63 owner. I'm familiar with both the Dynastats and M2's, and frankly the M2's are in a significantly higher league. I'd probably pick the Quad 988 or 989 over th... | |
Which is better - Maggie 20.1 or Soundlab M-1? Okay let's start out with the disclaimers - I'm a Sound Lab owner and dealer. I've owned several different Maggies, and I've auditioned the 20's but not the 20.1's. So please take my post with a grain of salt (or two!).The Maggie 20's will be a li... | |
High efficency monitors for ASL Waves? You might consider the Omega Super 3's. Retail $530 a pair ballpark. 94 dB sensitivity, single-driver, honest 8 ohm load. Very nice at low and medium volume levels, but they do get a bit stressed if you really pound 'em. Long break-in time (typica... | |
Gilmore Audio planars revealed Hello Metralla -Thanks for taking the time to write back and clarify your stadium wave post. I'm a bit slow sometimes, and didn't understand that the point you were making was about the particles returning to equilibrium position, which of course ... | |
Gilmore Audio planars revealed Planar,I'll take a shot at some of your questions, though I don't have answers for all of them. 1. horizontal dispersion. you say -3dB at 60 degrees dispersion (plus or minus 30 degrees, for those reading). At what frequency?a: The horizontal radi... | |
Gilmore Audio planars revealed I've been out of town and/or very busy the past couple of weeks, so just now got back to this thread.Sellerwithintegrity, I apologize for mistakenly typing "3 mil" as the thickness of the kapton diaphragms; of course it should have been ".3 mil". ... | |
Best OTL speakers In general, OTL's like high impedance loudspeakers of fairly high efficiency. Eight ohms is usually okay, but many "8 ohm" speakers dip well below 8 ohms in the upper bass or at crossover frequencies. Also, since OTL's have a high output impedance... | |
Best midranges... The ultimate midrange driver from 120 Hz to 3 kHz might well be a good pair of original Quads (the "57's"). Add a big dipole woofer or two for the bottom end and maybe a nice ribbon for the high treble, and you're pretty much set.The requirement t... | |
Monitor with good midrange dispersion- I don't have a specific suggestion for an under-$1000 monitor with wide midrange dispersion, but let me toss out some things to look for.Dispersion pattern at any given frequency is largely a function of driver diameter. The smaller the driver dia... | |
Sound Lab M-1 as L/R Mains in 2 Channel/HT System? Hello Fernando,Thanks for your kind words. I had a great time meeting you and Kevin, and thanks for the Leonard Cohen disc! Sound Lab's center channel speaker unfortunately isn't voiced the same as their big full-range panels. It works very well w... | |
Side firing bass designs - Pros & Cons?... Sean - Thanks for posting the AR 9 owner's manual link! Great info in the room acoustics section. Methinks the folks at AR tore a page from the back of Roy Allison's notebook.Another speaker that used a room-boundary-conscious woofer system design... | |
No Bi-Amp but tubes for Maggies -- can it be done? Well I hope you don't mind a dealer jumping at the chance to blow his horn about a product he peddles, but the Wolcott tube amps are superb on Maggies. They ain't cheap, though; fortunately, used ones show up from time to time. I was once told by ... |